14 2013 |
Instead of the usual Question Sunday I thought I’d do a FAQ post instead (same thing, different way of getting info out there – but if you have questions, ask em in the comments!)
1. Will there be any more Federation Novels?
I very much want to write Wil and Deimos’ story! I’m not done with that world by any stretch.
2. Will there be any more Cascadia Wolves books?
Yes! In August UNCONDITIONAL will be releasing. That’s Josh’s story (he’s the Enforcer for the Pacific Pack in Portland)
3. Will there be any more de La Vega books?
Yes! It’s in my plans to write another de La Vega (Armando’s story) next year
4. Will there be stories for Damien’s brothers?
I do have a proposal written for a series called The Hurley Boys with three books – one for Paddy, one for Ezra and one for Vaughan. It’ll be later on this spring before my agent pitches it so it depends on how fast that process goes before I can give any real estimates on when you’ll be seeing the books.
5. What about Levi and Jonah’s brothers? Will they be getting books?
At some point in the future, yes, I’d like to write some books for the Warner brothers. It’s not on my immediate schedule though so nothing until after 2015 or so.
6. I live in Australia/New Zealand/the UK when will Lush release for my kindle?
I’m told by Berkley that there will be an up to three month delay on my releases. Sometimes that will be print and digital, other times just digital. If it’s a print delay, you might try ordering from The Book Depository. I apologize for the delay.
7. When will such and such book be released on audio?
Recently I did sell audio rights for all the Brown Family novels, the Delicious books, the Chase brothers and the Petal, Ga books to audio.
Brown Family Series
Laid Bare – released 03/18/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Coming Undone – 05/27/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Inside Out – 06/24/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Never Enough – 07/15/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Delicious Series
Tart – 04/15/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Lush – 05/20/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Chase Brothers Series
Giving Chase – 05/20/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Taking Chase – 06/24/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
Chased – 07/15/2013 – http://www.tantor.com/
More dates as I get them!
8. Will there be any more Cherchez or Witches Knot books?
No. I’m so happy people enjoyed those books, but I’m done with both worlds at this point.
9. Why don’t you write more of X/I don’t care about that series, why aren’t you writing more of Y series?
Writing books means I have to have the TIME to not only write them, but in my schedule to get them released. At this point I just finished a series with Heat (Delicious) and another will end in October (Brown Family) and I’ve got a new series with them INK AND CHROME starting next summer. I’ve got 15 releases this year including some digital to trade and trade to mass market reissues and I have books due that will be out next year and beyond. With New York, the process is a longer one between the pitch, the contract, the writing, the editing and scheduling it can take years to see an entire series come out. With Samhain it’s more streamlined, but it’s still something I need to work out with spreadsheet like precision so I have time to write everything I need to as well as time to edit, work on new proposals, promote and oh yeah, sleep and eat and be a mom and a wife too.
And, to be totally blunt, some things don’t sell as well as others. Publishers like making money (and so do I) so my contemporaries sell far and away more than any other genre I write do. That means it’s easier for me to sell a contemporary than other things. I love my job. It’s an awesome job, even when it’s stressful. But there are realities to it that may not be ideal, but they’re what they are. Sometimes you won’t see another series/genre again because it just doesn’t sell (For instance that’s why I haven’t written anything else in the Reading Between the Lines world).
10. Where will you be this year for signings/appearances?
May 1-5 I’ll be at the RT Convention in Kansas City
June 20 – 23 I’ll be at RomCon in Colorado Springs (but not doing a signing)
In 2014 I’ll be at the Spring Fling in Chicago, RT in New Orleans in May, RWA National in July in San Antonio and the Emerald City RWA Conference in Bellevue in October
11. Lillie asks: I have a question about Rowan’s next book. Actually, the title of. In Blade to the Keep, is that “keep” the verb, noun (earning her keep), or the building type of keep? Curious minds want to know 😀
Keep as in the home of the First. Rowan will be heading to Germany to sit in in her new capacity as liaison between the Hunter Corporation and the Vampire Nation. Lots of politics, lots of memories, plenty of interaction between Rowan and Theo and yes, Clive will be there as well.
April 14th, 2013 at 1:52 pm · Link
You have to do what’s best for you–if it doesn’t sell, or doesn’t sell as well as (fill in), of course it won’t get written.
I think I must plot a campaign to promote your Federation books…
April 14th, 2013 at 2:06 pm · Link
I have a question about Rowan’s next book. Actually, the title of. In Blade to the Keep, is that “keep” the verb, noun (earning her keep), or the building type of keep? Curious minds want to know 😀