Bound By Magick is a paranormal romance series set in a contemporary world where the Others have been outed to humanity after a terrible, world changing event that happens in book two, CHAOS BURNING. Books three and four focus on dealing with the blowback from that mass outing — including an increase in tension between humans and Others.
The series is set in the same world as my Cascadia Wolves and de La Vega cats and there are characters from those books who do appear in BBM. They are, however, stand alone so it is not necessary for you to have read Cascadia or de La Vega to understand what's happening in Bound By Magick.
The series is set in the same world as my Cascadia Wolves and de La Vega cats and there are characters from those books who do appear in BBM. They are, however, stand alone so it is not necessary for you to have read Cascadia or de La Vega to understand what's happening in Bound By Magick.