31 2012 |
Juliet Lamprey, better known as Jules, is the heroine in TART. Her bakery, TART is the heart of goings on with the Delicious gang. She’s Gillian’s best friend and Miles’ godmother. She’s clever and vivacious and with the exception of dealing with her family, she’s strong and has no problem saying what she wants. I loved writing the scenes with her and Gillian and the rest of the women in Delicious. I loved writing the growing friendship between Jules and Erin, who of course has the sort of relationship Jules and her men are working on. And it goes without saying how much fun it was writing her with her two men…
Gideon watched her pull away and head back to town. His heart beat a little faster as he caught the subtle scent she wore. Low and sultry. He’d have pegged her for a brighter, more classical scent.
But Jules Lamprey wasn’t all that she seemed on the surface.
At first glance, Jules was brilliantly-blonde-girl-next-door beautiful. Sunny hair she wore in a high, sleeked-back ponytail. Her eyes were large and sky-blue. A wide, open smile. Her clothing flattered. She was friendly, funny, a little flirty. The pretty girl he’d grown up with.
But another layer in? Well, that red-lipped mouth had a little cant up at the left. Like she had a secret. The turtleneck she wore was cashmere. And her perfume was rich and sexy. Like her laugh.
He watched the way she drank her coffee. She’d held the cup, cradling it to take its warmth. Her first sip had been with her eyes closed and a happy sigh. She had enjoyed the hell out of the different fruits she’d tried when they’d been working over schedules.
Jules Lamprey was a sensualist. There was something fairly irresistible about a woman who took pleasure in everything around her.
On top of all that, she was articulate, successful and fair in her dealings with his granddad. Independent and intelligent too. The whole package.
Unless he was sorely mistaken—and he didn’t think he was—she was attracted to him in equal measure.
Gideon wanted a taste of the rather delicious Ms. Lamprey.
She’s a classic, sort of girl next door beauty and I often thought of Reese Witherspoon as I wrote Jules…
Cal has loved Jules for a long time. They’ve been best friends for years and while Jules has wanted him to make a move, he hasn’t for fear of losing what they have. But when Gideon comes back to Bainbridge and he and Jules start a relationship, Cal begins to wonder if it’s too late or if he should make a move at long last
Her smile. It hardened his entire body just thinking about it. Juliet had the most beautiful smile. Open. Big, perfect white teeth. There was nothing wishy-washy about a true Jules smile. Her joy was apparent on every part of her face.
They’d been close for decades now. Each boyfriend or girlfriend Cal had had was jealous of her. And he understood why in retrospect. While he’d never cheated on anyone he was with—it wasn’t part of his make up to do so—he’d been closer to Jules than any of them. Had sought her out to relate a funny story with, or to share a secret.
He liked to tell people she was his best friend. But that wasn’t entirely fair, he knew. He wanted Juliet. Had wanted her since he’d been eighteen and she fifteen. He’d been her first kiss. She’d made him do it, convincing him someone else would do it if it wasn’t him and she could trust him so why not just show her what she’d been missing.
It had been an exciting moment. One he still recalled from time to time. One moment she’d been his little sister’s annoying friend and the next she’d been, well, a girl worth kissing.
But he’d shoved that part away. She was too young. He had older girls to sniff around, and, as he’d come to discover, some boys too. That part of him and Jules had gone dormant, but it was still there, sleeping, not always so quietly, beneath the surface.
She’d been a fixture in his life. Always there for him when he needed her. If he lost that he’d never forgive himself. As long as she stayed in the friend camp that had been possible. To always have her in his life.
He’d been repeating this to himself over and over since Mary had come to his house to tell him about Jules dating Gideon. It was true. Mostly.
The three of them though – soon they’re together as a unit, they’ve all got major chemistry and both men adore her.
“It’s one of the things I love most about you. Now bake me something, woman. You know how hot it makes me to watch you in the kitchen.”
She did, actually. Gideon said it was hot to watch a strong woman bake stuff for him. Cal had agreed.
“One of those pies is for Patrick so don’t either of you touch it,” she admonished lazily as she scanned the shelves until she found a juice glass she needed to cut the biscuits.
She returned to Gideon’s side and continued her lesson. “And then you cut the shapes like this.” She pressed the rim of the glass down through the dough with a slight twist and then pulled up again. “You might have to flour the rim a little here and there. And then just put the biscuit on the baking sheet.”
Cal breathed deep as he kept his attention on her as she worked. The kitchen smelled fabulous. She wore a high ponytail and a sundress. In her bare feet, she padded here and there around the room. To the oven where she bent, giving him a fabulous view as her breasts heaved up. To the table where she’d been working with Gideon.
She looked like an ad for soap, or something else equally wholesome. But she was so dirty just beneath it drove him crazy. He’d had no idea what lay just beneath the surface until he’d drawn the curtains and she’d gotten naked with him.
“I like that dress.” An innocent enough compliment, but he teased and she knew it.
She twirled and creamy skin up to her mid thigh flashed. On purpose as she teased back. “Do you?”
Cal leaned back, his lids dropping a little. “Are you teasing? I think you might know what happens when you do that.”
“I know. Why else would I do it?” She looked him up and down. Slow and sexy. He wanted to preen.
Of course Patrick would be back shortly and they’d have to savor that want a few more hours until they could be alone again.
“Christ, when you’re like this it makes me want to bend you over something.” Gideon came up behind her and hauled her to him, back to front.
Cal’s cock ached, he was so fucking hard. When easy, laid-back Gideon got all dominant it worked all the fucking way.
“When is he back?” Jules swayed a little against Gideon. Cal knew the feel of her ass as it brushed over his cock and he stepped to them both.
Gideon groaned. “Any minute now.”
Jules sighed and moved away, fanning her face. “The wait will only make it hotter when we finally do get alone.”
“Until then I’ll be planning. I hope you have Epsom salts in your cabinet because I plan to make you very, very sore.” Cal smiled, totally meaning it.
Jules blushed. “Now you’re making a challenge. You know how I hate to lose, Calvin.”
Cal grinned. “Oh, but we all win this challenge.”
It’s not always easy for the three of them. There are family complications, Cal and Gideon are both dominant alpha males and Jules isn’t always easy to get along with. But they work it through. She knows what she has in them and they know what they have in her.
November 1st, 2012 at 3:51 am · Link
Loved getting another snipit from the book. I am so excited that release day is almost here. I’m going to have to lock myself away so I can read it uninterupted:)
November 1st, 2012 at 7:50 am · Link
HOT!!! Can’t wait! Thank you for the snipits, love them.
November 1st, 2012 at 8:59 am · Link
Okay, I’m hooked. Thanks for the excerpt and the picture! It’s always fun to see how the author envisions the players… PAL
November 1st, 2012 at 9:28 am · Link
Thanks so much for this excerpt and the visual. Counting the days now.
November 1st, 2012 at 11:30 am · Link
Can’t wait for next week…….HURRY UP!! 😉 Sounds really HOT!! & I agree with Jules & Reese Witherspoon..
November 1st, 2012 at 4:38 pm · Link
Wow this book is going to be hot! Cannot wait to read.
November 1st, 2012 at 8:05 pm · Link
Cannot wait for this book. But Sorry Lauren can’t agree with Reese Witherspoon for Jules. I see wait for it…… Carrie Underwood. My reason being just because she has those wholesome looks on the outside, does not mean when the shades go down in the bedroom that she doesn’t just let her freak flag fly free!!!! I can totally see her getting down with two men! 😉 😉 😉 😉