5 2011 |
Yesterday I got THREE new covers! One for Cherished (the duology with Maya Banks), one for Captivated (the last phantom corps book) and one for CHAOS BURNING – which used to be RISING DARKNESS. I can’t show you any of them yet because there are a few tweaks that needed to be done for them – including the title change on Rising Darkness to Chaos Burning. I can’t wait to show them off!
Getting closer to the release of the first Bound By Magick book – HEART OF DARKNESS! I’m so excited for this one! If you’d like a chance to read it before release day, Penguin is giving away 20 copies over at Goodreads. Click here for the details!
Also got a lovely review for it this week at Reader’s Edyn: I really enjoyed that Meriel and Dominic’s characters have a chance to evolve past the level they begin at in their magickal confidence. Another fascinating aspect was Meriel’s growth in roles from support within the clan, to leadership. Her personality comes across initially as intelligent, resourceful, and dedicated toward work and the clan. But underneath the cool exterior of Meriel the lawyer, lurks Meriel the badass witch who will do everything within her magickal power to fiercely protect anything or anyone who belongs to her. And Dominic belongs to her. Together they are an unstoppable force. Dane well and truly sucked me into this fascinating escape into the world of the Owen clan.
October 7th, 2011 at 2:22 pm · Link
Well can’t wait to see those new covers.