8 2011 |
I just re-drew for a new winner of the NEVER ENOUGH ARC because the winner didn’t claim it. As I said on the blog post below (and is my custom) I don’t notify winners except here on the blog so you have to keep track and claim your prize within a certain period of time (I put that in the post) or I will redraw.
So Jamie B, if you’re watching, you just won an ARC of NEVER ENOUGH! Please claim it and I’ll get it sent your way.
August 8th, 2011 at 9:31 am · Link
AKKKK that is me I am sending you an email right now!!! YAYYYYY I am so excited.
August 8th, 2011 at 9:39 am · Link
Oh man. Congrats Jamie B. Why oh why haven’t I seen this giveaway sooner? *puppyface*
August 8th, 2011 at 1:04 pm · Link
Congrats, Jamie B! I am so glad it wasn’t me who lost out on the first draw — I only just remembered to check the blog today, LOL!
August 8th, 2011 at 1:51 pm · Link
Congratulations Jamie!
August 8th, 2011 at 6:48 pm · Link
August 10th, 2011 at 5:00 am · Link
Me, too, first time here – so sorry I missed giveaway. That cover is to die for. Contrats, Jamie.