2 2009 |
Sorry, I know I’ve been out of touch a lot this summer. I’ve had some major deadlines (still do) and have been dealing with some health stuff with someone close to me so I’ve been distracted.
A few things as I poke my head out of my shell and gape at everything that’s been going on:
1. A review you don’t agree with is not a “bad review” simply because you don’t agree with it. It’s also not “clear that” someone is the author’s enemy or best friend. People, individual perception is not about YOU, your perception is. My perception is just that, mine. It has nothing to do with you and it’s not up top me to judge your perceptions any more than it’s up to someone else to read an amazon review of a book they loved or hated feeling the opposite and to flip out that it’s a fix.
2. On that note – people need to stop taking themselves so seriously. I’m not joking.
3. I got two new purses last week, this pleases me.
4. Went to Vegas on a trip with my dude, who had a convention for work. Stayed in the Rio Hotel. I cannot stress enough how much I hate the Rio. This is my perception of course, LOL, but even a flophouse like the one Dix and Brandon end up in in NO RESERVATIONS would have been better. Toxic. Horrible food that left me so sick I refused to eat there (I lost a few pounds, LOL, but also ate a lot of stuff like wheat thins and stuff that was prepackaged if I had no choice but to be at the hotel and I was hungry) Truly, the place was unkempt, the front desk had the rudest staff I’ve ever dealt with in Vegas and they tried to nickel and dime people for everything. I will say the staff in the novelty shop where I grabbed my yogurt and wheat thins were very nice, the cleaning staff was great too. Restaurant staff – horrid, front desk, horrid. I kept thinking it couldn’t get any worse and they surprised me every time.
However to state some positives – I was able to see some friends I hadn’t seen in a few years after my husband got his new job. That part was absolutely wonderful. I got to know some of the people my husband works with a lot better, which was also awesome. We were invited to dinner with his old work friends and his old boss and I was so pleased to feel as if we were at a family dinner. These are people I love and respect and it was really wonderful to be able to visit with them. We also went to the Voo Doo lounge which is on the roof of the Rio and I will say, really gorgeous. I danced and tried not to let the fact that it was so hot stop me (cause I love to dance!). My dude even danced!
Overall, the trip was filled with insanity. The yellow corvette accident guy, the CHP doing nothing, horrid hotel, really brutally hot weather, etc. But, it was good too. I got work done, I got into a place with my writing where I felt some real focus again and I had time with my husband. All the negatives couldn’t ruin that.
5. Laid Bare is now out and doing well. I’m told Borders had an ordering mix up and will be carrying Laid Bare on shelves.
6. Megan Hart’s Pleasure and Purpose released yesterday from Berkley! If you haven’t read it or ordered it yet, you need to.
Introducing the women of the Order of Solace
The handmaidens of the Order of Solace are each named for the exquisite service that best reflects their true calling. Their greatest delight is giving pleasure–devoted as they are to fulfilling the desires of the mind, the needs of the soul, and the cravings of the body.
Meet Stillness, called upon to soothe the conscience of a man in need of redemption after a shocking act from his sexual past. Then there’s Honesty, whose vow of Solace is to a prince looking for a submissive handmaiden. Instead, he gets the unexpected. And finally, Determinata, a handmaiden confronted with a client lost in a haze of random sex and drugs. She has just the plan to literally whip her man into shape.
that’s about it for now. I have to get back to work on Insatiable!!
September 2nd, 2009 at 1:49 pm · Link
September 2nd, 2009 at 4:17 pm · Link
Hey – we missed you.
September 2nd, 2009 at 4:19 pm · Link
Yay! You surfaced! 😀 I think this summer has been nutso for a lot of us.
September 2nd, 2009 at 4:19 pm · Link
Sorry to hear about the health issues. Glad you’re doing okay!
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:07 pm · Link
Hi 🙂
I’m glad the great outweighed the horrid.
I’m glad you and your husband got time together.
I’m glad you got great writing done.
I’m glad you updated us.
Love & Best Wishes,
September 3rd, 2009 at 7:13 am · Link
welcome back and glad you had some fun on your trip.
September 3rd, 2009 at 1:13 pm · Link
Thanks for the update, Lauren! Glad there were some good things mixed in there!
September 4th, 2009 at 4:01 am · Link
I understand about the health problems of a loved one. My gram was sick all summer and passed away monday. *hugs*
Reviews are just opinions. I feel bad when I write a “negative” review for an author I enjoy. But sometimes it needs to be said. My JERR reviews I take more seriously then the reviews I post on my blog because I feel that people rely on the opinions. I know I did.
I am glad they are carrying Laid Bare. Its a wonderful book. I cant say enough good things. I will check the Borders website and if they are going to carry it, I will post a review for you. 🙂
I am going to grab Megan’s book today.
September 4th, 2009 at 7:34 pm · Link
I hope that whoever’s ill, will bare a speedy recovery.
I can believe the creep in the car, but I can’t believe the law enforcement. Well, that’s a lie…these day I’m sad to say that I guess I can. (Don’t ask, it was bad and involved arrowheads)
Too bad about the hotel. (Loved Reno when I was there, and of course Tahoe and Pyramid Lake)
Will probably be getting Laid Bare (And Megans Pleasure and Purpose) this weekend and am thrilled that it started off with bang.
Most of all WELCOME HOME!!!