13 2009 |
Sometimes you have to go more than halfway to meet in the middle.
Caitlin Moore has every reason to celebrate. She’s through with law-school finals, and out for some post-semester fun when she runs smack dab into Eamon Blake, the Irishman with whom she had a summer fling years ago. Time hasn’t dimmed their lingering friendship—or their sexual chemistry.
Eamon isn’t looking for love when he bumps into Cat while he’s in Seattle on a job. Yet over the next year, he finds himself involved in a rekindled long-distance romance that moves from casual to a lot more.
That’s the rub. Cat is determined not to repeat her past mistakes with men and give up the dream job for which she’s worked so hard. Independence is something she’s spent years achieving. Eamon can start over so much easier than she can—why shouldn’t he make the sacrifice this time?
But Eamon doesn’t much relish leaving the life he’s been building in Los Angeles—and he really doesn’t like ultimatums. At an impasse, goodbye seems the only direction to go. Ending it is the right thing to do…or the biggest mistake they ever made.
Warning: Like-whoa sexy Irishmen speaking French in the ear of a very willing Seattleite. Sexin with all the big words.
Always comes out from Samhain on April 14, right before I’m off to RT! I thought a wee excerpt would be fun to toss up here as I’m on the very last bit of polishing Coming Undone before I send it to my editor.
Copyright 2009, Lauren Dane
All Rights Reserved, Samhain Publishing
Releasing April 14
Caitlin woke up to a slight headache and sore thigh and groin muscles. Stretching experimentally, she bumped into the hard wall of warm, naked man and smiled.
It was then she realized what had roused her from slumber after a night where he’d woken her up twice more to make love.
She nudged him gently. “Eamon, wake up.”
“We’re out of condoms, darlin’. I can run out and grab us some if you let me sleep just a wee bit longer,” he mumbled, making her laugh.
“I’m not sure my muscles are up to another romp with you just now. Your pants are ringing.”
He opened his eyes and groaned. “Shite.” Rolling out of bed, he scrambled to his pants and fished out his phone, answering it quickly.
Not wanting to intrude on his call, she eased out of the warmth of the blankets and headed to the kitchen. Once she’d turned on the coffeepot, she headed to the bathroom and turned the hot water on for a desperately needed shower.
It wasn’t but about ten minutes later before he tapped on the door and stuck his head in as she was drying off.
“You have no idea how much seeing you that way makes this even harder.” He groaned. “I have to go. The PR guy from the record label needs to reschedule one of the bands to today. I need to get back to my hotel and change and grab some supplies before heading over to Bellevue where they’re all waiting.”
She frowned, disappointed. Still, she understood the demands of a career. “Oh, okay. I understand, believe me. Work comes first. It was lovely to see you.” She grabbed her robe. “Let me give you my cell phone number. Give me a call if you have the time while you’re still in town.”
Rustling through her utility drawer in the kitchen, she found some paper and a pen and wrote the number down along with her home number and handed them to him. “You want some coffee to take with you? I’ve got a million travel mugs you can take.”
He looked damned good as he cocked his head and gave her a sexy smile. “That would be fantastic. Thank you. Aren’t you going home for the holidays then?”
She avoided his eyes as she grabbed a mug and poured the hot coffee into it. Hell no, she wasn’t going back to Boston to be harassed about her choices by her family. “Sugar and milk there if you like.” She indicated their spot on the counter. “And no. I’ll be here. My mentor and her family will have me over for Christmas. Anh is a cross between a mom and a big sister. Her kids will run me ragged all day and I’ll eat too much. Her husband is a sous chef so there’ll be plenty on their table.”
“Well, good then. I’m sure your family will miss you though.” He looked at his watch before securing the lid on the mug and sighed. “I really have to get moving. I’ll call you soon. We didn’t do much talking last night. Not that I’m complaining. Still, I want to know what you’ve been up to.”
“Call me and I’ll tell you. I’ll even make you dinner if you like.” She cocked her head and smiled. How could he resist such an invitation?
“Sounds like a very fine offer.” He kissed her quickly before rushing out and she sighed, tossing herself onto her bed, loving the way the pillows still carried his scent.
wanna win something? Since it’s the tail-end of Read an Ebook Week – I thought it would be fun to give away an ebook, or two even. So how about an easy contest? What books are you looking forward to picking up between now and June? Winners will receive their choice of my backlist available in digital format! I’ll choose a’la randomizer at noon pacific tomorrow (Saturday the 14th)
March 13th, 2009 at 6:29 am · Link
Great Excerpt. And it will be out just when I am at the end of my rope. The second to last day to file.
-Confessions of a Black Dress & Memoirs of A Scandalous Red Dress by Elizabth Boyle
-Perfect Poison by Amanda Quick
-Vision In White by Nora Roberts
-To Bequile A Beast by Elizabth Hoyt
-Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh
And of course I couldn’t leave offthe list What Happens in Vegas after Dark, Relentless & Taking Care of Business
March 13th, 2009 at 8:03 am · Link
I’ll have to add it to the list…
Perfect Poison by Amanda Quick
Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
Mage by Jean johnson
Guardian by Angela Knight
and of course, Relentless since I LOVED Undercover.
March 13th, 2009 at 8:30 am · Link
There’s a bunch I can’t wait for:
Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance
Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
Night’s Rose by Annaliese Evans (Ogre Slayer?!)
Ghostland by Jory Strong
Dayhunter by Jocelynn Drake
Okay, that’s all I’ll say for now.
March 13th, 2009 at 8:40 am · Link
This is now what I can’t wait for! There seem to be a lot coming out in the next few months. I can’t wait for the new Rachel Gibson and the new Lori O’Clare mystery just to name a few.
March 13th, 2009 at 9:56 am · Link
Hey you–did you see the categories for the Dear Author/Smart Bitches Writing Award for Hellagood Authors? Somebody just happens to be in the brackets for Erotic Romance. Somebody who wrote Undercover. Somebody who’s in some seriously good company.
Yay you!!!!
March 13th, 2009 at 10:59 am · Link
Lots of good books coming up, a couple on my list are:
Tucker’s Claim by Sarah McCarty
Deadly Desire by Keri Arthur
Burning Wild by Christine Feehan
Packing Heat by Penny McCall
Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh
Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan
Skin Trade by LKH
Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance
March 13th, 2009 at 11:57 am · Link
The book that I cannot wait to read is The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. It’s been shipped by Amazon, but is taking forever to get here, lol!
March 13th, 2009 at 12:20 pm · Link
I am looking forward to:
To Beguile A Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
Deadly Desire by Keri Arthur
Lover Avenged by JR Ward
March 13th, 2009 at 12:22 pm · Link
Always by you know who lol
What Happens in Vegas…After Dark anthology
Relentless (to add to my keeper shelf lol)
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
A Scotsman in Love by Karen Ranney
The Warrior by Sharon Sala
Riding on Instinct by Jaci Burton
Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrian
Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks
The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride by Maya Banks
Steel Beauty by Dana Marie Bell
I think I need to stop…could be here all day if I don’t….lol
March 13th, 2009 at 1:59 pm · Link
DONE WITH LAW SCHOOL FINALS??!!? We can haz trade? 😛
Anyway I want Erin McCarthy’s newest. Nalinigh Singh’s, Lora Leigh’s… uh I know there are like 50 thousand more and going through them will make me sad. Deirdre Martin. The Ward, Sarah McCarty’s – of course the Vegas After Dark anthology… man I need a bigger book budget.
March 13th, 2009 at 2:33 pm · Link
“One Deadly Sin” by Annie Solomon
“Pursuit” by Karen Robards
“Highland Scoundrel” by Monica McCarty
“Her Notorious Viscount” by Jenna Petersen
March 13th, 2009 at 3:54 pm · Link
I missed Anya’s Taken coming out so that is on the to be grabbed ASAP list and Taking Care of Business… you and Megan writing together – hell yeah – everything else gets bumped down one when that hits the store. In fact going to Borders tomorrow to see if it is in yet. Oh and Lorelai has a new one out in her hot cowboy series, Branded A Trouble.
MUST. HAVE. 😛 xxxx
March 13th, 2009 at 5:39 pm · Link
The list is so long but here are a few
Nauti Intentions Lora Leigh
Relentless Lauren Dane
Dead and gone Harrison
Skin trade Hamilton
March 13th, 2009 at 5:42 pm · Link
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
March 13th, 2009 at 6:07 pm · Link
Relentless, Saddled and the new gossip girl.
March 13th, 2009 at 7:49 pm · Link
Always by YOU!
Riding on Instinct by Jaci Burton
Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith Ready
Have a great weekend.
March 13th, 2009 at 7:55 pm · Link
Taking Care of Business
Bad Boy by Maya Reyonolds
Through her Eyes by Beth Kery
Daring Time by Beth Kery
Fair Game by Jasmine Haynes
Guardian by Angela Knight
Past Promises by NJ Walters
Endless Chase by NJ Walters
Whew! That’s all I can think of for now.
March 13th, 2009 at 10:05 pm · Link
Hi Lauren!
I was just at Samhain and seeing what I didn’t have of yours and saw ALWAYS coming out and then to here where you gave a great peek (excerpt) into it!! Love re-union like stories where they come back together, like Eamon and Caitlin. I love this cover! Is there a something related to the story and this cover?
Here’s a few books I’m looking forward to get that are coming out:
ALWAYS by Lauren Dane 🙂
TAMING THE FIRE by Syndey Croft
GHOSTLAND by Jory Strong
ALL OF ME by Lori Wilde
RELENTLESS by Lauren Dane 🙂
SADDLED by Delilah Devlin
ENTRAPPED by Ann Jacobs
March 14th, 2009 at 1:55 am · Link
I look forward to these books…
PC Cast & Kristin Cast: Hunted
Sherrilyn Kenyon: Acheron (paperback)
J. R. Ward: Lover Avenged
Lara Adrian: Ashes of Midnight
March 14th, 2009 at 9:34 am · Link
Well, right now I am trying to catch up on my pile of books sitting beside me, so in all honesty, I don’t know what is coming out. I am not allowing myself to check! 🙁 lol
Happy E-book Week!
March 14th, 2009 at 5:18 pm · Link
Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks
Midnight’s Master by Cynthia Eden
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
Nauti Intentions Lora Leigh
Branded As Trouble by Lorelei James