12 2009 |
I’ve been a tardy blogger lately, I know. I’d hang my head in shame if I wasn’t too busy finishing up the last polish of Coming Undone, LOL.
I’ll be back tomorrow with some excerpt goodness and maybe even a fun contest.
For today, can I please just assure all you spammers that I DO NOT want to watch incest porn, nor do I want to read about it. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m disgusted by it. I also don’t want cialis or any other ED drugs, cause I have no penis you see, therefore I have no problems with the width of my stick or keeping her satisfied all night or whatever else you say in the comments I delete by the dozens every day. Moreover, I’d like to urge anyone who does have a penis with ED issues to deal with an actual medical doctor instead of medication via the internet. Silly me.
Also, for the record, I’d prefer to not watch animal/human sex or glory holes. Call me quirky.
March 12th, 2009 at 5:55 pm · Link
Ahahahaha! Love it….and can I just say I’m tired of the “you’ve won *insert $$ amount* please send us your name, SS#, address and we’ll send it to you.” Seriously? I may have “maid” tattooed on my forehead (because it seems my girls seem to think that’s what I am today) but nowhere on my forehead do I see “sucker”
March 12th, 2009 at 6:26 pm · Link
*wiping water off monitor*
I’ll call you sane, and demand a spew warning for next time, hmm? 😉
March 12th, 2009 at 8:56 pm · Link
We actually mail at work…Cialis, Viagra Etc! I can’t resist..I’m terrible I know, but I go put it back on the boss’s desk.
He’s 70.
I hear him chuckle everytime before I hear it thunk in the garbage.
March 13th, 2009 at 6:19 am · Link
Could someone please tell me how these people get my email address to begin with. B/c I don’t want to date you nor do I need cialis or other drugs.