9 2008 |
Sensual Magic
Not a bad week all told. It’s been fabulous and super busy but I haven’t been writing as fast as I normally do so I need to kick back up to 2,500 – 3,000 a day. I just got my revision letter for Undercover and the edits are fortunately light so it shouldn’t take overly long so once I finish up with Sensual Magic, I’ll get right to that and then on to Unexpected. It’ll be nice to re-visit the Wardens again! And then on to Fallen.
How’s everyone holding up? Checked in over at the Sven blog yet? (link to your right, just click on Sven and he’ll lead you to the light)
March 9th, 2008 at 4:05 pm · Link
I was out of town for a few days and fell SO behind I am ashamed of myself. It was as though all of a sudden my mind went blank. Now I’m back and still feel so OUT OF IT :(. I’d better get busy next week to make up, though!
March 9th, 2008 at 4:06 pm · Link
And oh! You are doing particularly awesome! Keep that up, you inspire me. 😉