Hump Day

Good gracious it’s nearly 5pm! What a day it’s been. My email box has been jumping, I’ve done some writing, I’ve spoken with my agent several times (wheee!), IMd with Megan while watching amateur porn that made me laugh and laugh (mainly because we sort of did a live commentary and ended up saying the same thing three quarters of the time). Did dishes, looked for an item of clothing my son HAS to have but doesn’t know the location of (sigh), dealt with a very grumpy 3 year old and I looked up and saw it was nearly five!

So this will be short, the kids have lost a DVD that will probably cost five hundred dollars to replace and I need to make dinner too. I just wanted to pop in and say hello and remind you all that Shelley Munro has a new release out from Ellora’s Cave today called Last Wish! Go and grab it. Shelley’s fabulous!

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