24 2007 |
Zooms in – so busy it’s not funny! Cripes!
How’s Sven for everyone? I’m meeting my daily goals and more thank goodness! I need to keep on keepin on though. I have a conference this weekend so I won’t get as much work done as I usually do. On the other hand, I’ll see loads of people I really like, including my very favorite agent in the whole wide world, Laura Bradford so wheee!
I’m from Southern California, as is my husband so we’ve got many friends and family in harm’s way right now. I’m sort of glued to the news and trying not to get too worried but it certainly helps me keep things in perspective. Everyone is okay so far, thank goodness and I’m just hoping the weather cools and the Santa Ana’s calm down so the firefighters can do their job (safely too!) and people can get back home. All the devastation is just terrible to see. But Laura tells me people are really pulling together right now and helping each other. It’s a shame it takes something like this to bring folks together but I’m glad to see it happening now when folks need each other so much.
Anyway, I have to flit off again! Have a good hump day!
Oh! And just because he makes me think of Cade Warden (who will soon be nekkid with his ladyfriend)
October 25th, 2007 at 5:47 am · Link
The whole fire thing is so sad and shocking . . . I hope they get it under control fast. And have fun at the conference Lauren! 😀 Thanks for the pic, with that we’ll forgive you anything! LOL
October 25th, 2007 at 12:14 pm · Link
did u pick a winner for access romance blog?
October 25th, 2007 at 12:17 pm · Link
I’ll pick a winner tomorrow, which is two weeks from the original contest date.
October 25th, 2007 at 3:38 pm · Link
ok thanks
October 30th, 2007 at 9:38 am · Link
LD. You have Dominic Purcell on your website. I say….I LOVE YOU. I am so happy to have a character like him. DId you hear he is getting divorced.
Love and hugs