19 2007 |
I ordered some Bare Escentuals for my face today. I’ve been wondering about it for a while, liquid foundation clogs my pores and it’s a pain to put on and I have sensitive skin so the cream foundation won’t work because it’s too dry. I did buy this other stuff from Neutragena which I like but it doesn’t provide as much coverage as I’d wish. It’s good to do before I run to the grocery store or something but if it want to do the full makeup thing it’s not enough.
Anyway, Angie was raving about the BE mineral foundation a while back and it’s been on my mind to try it. So I was looking at Sephora today and saw it and bought some. So it’s also Angie’s fault that I picked up a few other things as well because, well, I need someone to blame. I will however, give her all the credit if it turns out as fabulous as she says it is, LOL.
Oh and I suppose I’d better assure you all I bought the products myself so the FTC doesn’t come after me.
Anyway, it’s date night with me and the dude. We’ve got a bunch of movies to watch and return before we become outlaws at the local video store (is it video store anymore or DVD store or just movie rental?)
I’ll be back in a bit to talk about the books I’ve read recently…
January 19th, 2007 at 6:12 pm · Link
I hate foundation with a passion and have never worn it more than a few times because I can’t stand the feel (or the application process). On the other hand, Bare Escentuals is a snap to apply in just a few minutes before leaving the house. And uh…I don’t make any profit off advocating this product. Just saying 😉
January 19th, 2007 at 7:44 pm · Link
I love Bare Escentuals – It’s about the only thing that doesn’t make my face itch like mad.
No profit here beyond good karma 🙂
January 21st, 2007 at 8:12 am · Link
I loathe foundation, it’s always a mess to apply. But now that I’m..uhh..older, sometimes it’s an evil necessity.
Let me know how you like the BE stuff. I’ve seen it advertised and heard great things about it.
January 21st, 2007 at 2:40 pm · Link
I’ve used BE for a few years now and I would never go back to liquid foundations. I think it’s great. 😀