Titilating Tuesday

More freaking snow! I tell you, I am DONE with snow. I want my mild Northwest winter back please. And I want my children back in school.

I’m halfway done with my synopsis for The Others. I hate writing synopsis but as I was just discussing with Anya that writing them helps me see the book like a machine. Helps me focus in on what’s truly important and how to work those elements and forget about the little stuff. It also helps me get focused on the story pacing. These are things I don’t see with such ease when I’m pantsing it. But when I’m pantsing, I’m more open and the story can sneak up on me. I like that.

There are plusses to both approaches I think and as I go on, I learn more and can use more tools to write better books, which certainly doesn’t hurt!

Anyway, I want to be done with this synopsis so I can clear the partial out of my computer and get it to my agent. I know Chased edits will be hitting soon and Threat of Darkness edits are due tomorrow and FLE will be coming for Ascension too. All sorts of stuff! I need to get to Wolf Unbound as well and also write a proposal for the next Spice anthology and do my edits on Stripped and write Making Chase all very soon.

I hope to see you at the chat tonight!

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