Dynamic Trio Chat Tuesday January 16! (FYI for authors interested in writing for Samhain!)

Please join me, TJ Michaels and Shelley Munro for our January Dynamic Trio chat. Tomorrow night we’ll be starting up at 9 eastern/6 pacific in the Maverick Authors chatroom

Samhain Publishing’s own Chrissy Brashear will be our guest for the first 30 – 45 minutes of the chat so if you have questions about publishing or Samhain in particular, head on over!

One comment to “Dynamic Trio Chat Tuesday January 16! (FYI for authors interested in writing for Samhain!)”

  1. Lynnette B aka Bonnie Rose Leigh
    January 16th, 2007 at 8:28 am · Link

    I’ll be there with bells on…