
Okay, I realize that with vacation and computer woes I haven’t done any contests in a while!

So, for a dowload of reader’s choice of my available titles – I want you to respond – TO THIS POST (so i can keep track easily) to this question:

Who is your favorite Lauren Dane hero or heroine and why?

I’ll choose TWO winners from the posters on Wednesday the 16th at noon my time.

Good luck!


10 comments to “CONTEST!!!”

  1. Karen
    August 13th, 2006 at 7:43 pm · Link

    You ask tough questions – how can I pick just one?
    /grumble grumble

    If I had to pull just one from the pages of your books, I guess it would be Lex from Enforcer. But when I pull him out, any chance his brother would come along for the ride? 🙂

  2. Lass
    August 13th, 2006 at 8:55 pm · Link

    I’m with Karen, how can I pick just one!?

    Hero: Alex from The Witches Knot series. There’s something about him that completely captivates me. I wanted to jump up and cheer as soon as I realized that he shows up in A Touch of Fae AND Vengeance Due.

    Heroine: Maggie from Giving Chase. She doesn’t take sh!t from the Chase brothers. She’s the kind of person I’d want as a friend

  3. Maura
    August 13th, 2006 at 11:27 pm · Link

    My favorite heroine is Maggie from Giving Chase. She’s smart and independent and has the confidence to stand as a complete equal to Chase and his brothers.

    Kick ass!

  4. Cherie J
    August 14th, 2006 at 8:09 am · Link

    I am new to your books but I definitely agree that Maggie from Giving Chase has to be my favorite because she has such a kick ass mentality and won’t put up with bad behavior. You have to admire a person with such strength of character.

  5. Ali
    August 15th, 2006 at 6:04 pm · Link

    Hi, Lauren 🙂
    I’ll have to say that my favorite Hero is Lex Warden from Cascadia Wolves: Enforcer. I just love the fact that he’s a strong alpha male. The way he treats Nina is just beautiful. Here is a strong male who can be loving. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s great in the sack, lol
    Great job with writing Lex, he’s a great character *drool* 🙂

  6. Becky
    August 15th, 2006 at 6:05 pm · Link

    I would have to say Lex Warden. He is such an alpha male and he wants so bad to protect his mate that sometimes he’s over protective. I think that’s sweet. And when the incident with clan happened at the house I felt his pain froming having to make a decision.

  7. Kris
    August 15th, 2006 at 6:05 pm · Link

    Oh geeeze. You couldn’t make it easy could you?

    Heroine: Lately, Maggie from Giving Chase (Perhaps becuase that’s the latest I’ve read) She’s such a strong kiss ass female.

    Hero: I’ll have to think on that one awhile.

  8. Trisha Ratna
    August 15th, 2006 at 11:36 pm · Link

    I love … LOVE both Em Charvez and Conchobar MacNessa.

    For Em .. I admire her fierce loyalty and she has total trust in Con even when he “left” her to go back to his realm. I also can identify a little bit of myself in Em, she’s surrounded by beautiful and talented women in her family and it does put a dent to her self esteem a little. But she did pull through in the end, and that’s what I love about her.

    For Conchobar … what can I say? He’s tall, sexy, hot, a walking orgasm-machine. Plus he’s the man who showed Em what a special woman she is. How can I not love this Fae!

  9. Rayne
    August 16th, 2006 at 8:37 am · Link

    I would say my favorite Hero was Aidan Bell. Why? What is not to like…he is hot, sexy and mmmMmmm good. He is very loyal to his love Lee, as well as his best friend. He is also great because he is a vampire and I just love them. 🙂

  10. Elizabeth
    August 16th, 2006 at 10:29 am · Link

    i’ve only read sudden desire at the moment, but have a couple of your books in my TBR pile. i do love Tess and Trevor, though. i thought they were great.