8 2006 |
Last night I wrote five thousand words on Tri Mates. I’ve also changed the title from Rebel to Tri Mates. I think it’s a more accurate title anyway because it focuses on the relationship instead of just one person.
It’s suddenly a very complicated book. When that happens it makes me wonder just how long the book will end up being as I’m already at 42k and I usually end up at about 65k. We’ll see how it goes though.
But I’m at that place where it’s all just flowing and I love that so I want to work it as much as I can before it runs out and gets hard again.
I have Charlaine Harris’, Grave Sight at the top of my TBR pile for after I finish Tony Bourdain’s, Kitchen Confidential – which is a very fun book that’s like reading a really amusing story told to you by your funny friend.
Battlestar Galactica is back! Yeah! And now I can have detailed heated arguments over characters and motivations with my husband and my friends like the geek I am.
I’m thinking of getting an author photo done. A professional one.
That’s about it. I think I need some cinnamon toast and some more tea.
January 8th, 2006 at 2:30 pm · Link
Have you tried Chai?
I was given a box of Chai Tea for Christmas, and now I’m addicted to it. Great tea! I’m usually more a coffee person, but I’ve been drinking less of that and more of the Chai the last 2 weeks.
Good luck with the writing!
January 8th, 2006 at 2:41 pm · Link
I am absolutely addicted to chai although my brand of choice is Tazo. I drink five to seven cups of decaf chai a day, LOL! It’s easy to get addicted with that smell and the warm milky spicy taste of it.
January 9th, 2006 at 8:18 am · Link
Grave Sight is a great book. I read it a few weeks ago. Towards the end I had a feeling where it was going but I’ve had that with all of her books.
January 9th, 2006 at 10:02 am · Link
Mm…chai is the only tea I’ll drink. Though I only have it occasionally and just the stuff from Pacific Chai Vanilla.
Grave Sight is pretty good. Not spectacular, but it was entertaining.
January 9th, 2006 at 10:05 am · Link
I finished Grave Sight last night in one sitting. I enjoyed it but I have to admit I knew the ending about 100 pages in.
Still, I like Harris’ voice and I love that she puts her books in the small town south and neither pretties it up or writes everyone as a dumb hick.