1 2005 |
So my muse tricked me and I ended up with something new in Dark Justice. It complicates things but at the same time, it deepens the story and opens the door up for some world building for the vamp series I want to do. I’m very happy with the book so far.
Still editing Second Chances.
Started and finished, Dead as a Doornail and I really liked it. I loved that Lili Bard from the Shakespeare, Arkansas books was in it, even if just for a brief period. No sex though. Hello! All of these hot men who wanted to fuck Sookie and there was no action at all. I was quite disappointed in that but really that was the only thing. Harris continues to be clever and funny and true to her characters.
Dark Justice
August 2nd, 2005 at 8:48 am · Link
Forgot to say, I love the progress bar. I want one! LOL I may have to figure that out.
August 2nd, 2005 at 9:03 am · Link
Mechele, just click the bar and it’ll take you to the website and you can make one for yourself (they come in different colors, etc)