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Working Day and Night…

There’s so much more than just the act of actual writing to this whole thing. For my wedding anniversary, the man got me a copy of the 2005 Guide to Literary Agents and I’ve been reading up on how to get representation. It’s as daunting as getting published!

So I’m working on polishing up my manuscript of Wolf, a mainstream paranormal that I want to send to prospective agents as well as editing current work in progress.

At the same time, I’m working on creating a base for promotion, since so much of your success depends on how you promote yourself. I’ve got the domain, the blog, the yahoo group and now I need to get the contests up, as well as thinking of good promo items.

It’s worth it of course, I’ve applied myself to every important goal in my life with fervor and I’ll do the same with writing, but it’s a bit distracting to have so much external stuff to deal with as well as coming up with good stuff and writing it well.

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