Updates, Schedules and Such

In non conference appearance news, I’m in the process of having new covers made for a number of books I recently received the rights back for. I’ll also be revising, cleaning up and writing new blurbs, etc for the Chase Brothers books, The Cascadia Wolves books, Witches Knot series and a number of my novellas.  I’ll have a better schedule soon, but I wanted to update everyone!


This Friday, Saturday and Sunday I’ll be at the Surrey International Writers’ Conference in Vancouver, BC – if you’re attending, please do say hello!

Friday, October 21 –

10 am –

Writing Across Genres and Formats

Presenter: Lauren Dane

Publishing—traditional and indie—is in constant flux. Things change overnight. Publishers of all shapes and sizes go under or get gobbled up by other publishers. Editors change houses or leave the business. Trends change lighting fast.So how can an author manage to navigate all that and carve a place for themselves in this reality? Lauren Dane will talk about her personal method in this workshop melding the business and craft of being an author.


3:45 –

The Hard Parts of Happily Ever After (Panel)

Members: Donald Maass (Moderator), Lauren Dane, Sonali Dev, Cathy Yardley, Elizabeth Boyle

Romance is often unfairly criticized for being formulaic, usually by people who don’t read the amazing breadth of novels included in the genre. But no matter how original the writing, readers do expect these stories to end happily, or else they’re not really romances. Join our panel for an in-depth discussion of the challenges and joys of crafting stories that keep us wondering how happily ever after can ever possibly happen.


Saturday, October 22 –


Using it all – writing sex that uses the emotional magnitude of intimacy

Presenter: Lauren Dane

Sex is one of the most important and emotionally rich events characters in a novel can engage in and yet many authors shy away or write it without a thought as to why it should be there. Both miss the opportunity to layer your character and the story in a truly intimate way.Over the workshop, Lauren will talk about different approaches sex and sexuality between your characters to use every bit of that potential.



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