8 2015 |
Over at RT BookReviews – there’s a giveaway for five print bundles of Opening Up + ARCs of Falling Under! http://bit.ly/1KkOZB8 (US/Can only)
At Amazon, OPENING UP has been named a best book of June!
Have you pre-ordered OPENING UP yet?
Keep an eye out at twitter as I’ll be giving away copies of OPENING UP as we get closer to release day, June 16 🙂
June 8th, 2015 at 7:51 pm · Link
I just recently read Trinity ( de La Vega Cats #1) and loved not only the book itself but that I have discovered a new author I love. And the bonus of this is that there are so many more hours of reading pleasure because Lauren has gifted us with such a great abundance of her talent. As I usually read more than a book a day, it’s great to see a few weeks enjoyment ahead for me!!!