Ink and Chrome fun stuff!



Over at RT BookReviews – there’s a giveaway for five print bundles of Opening Up + ARCs of Falling Under! (US/Can only)


At Amazon, OPENING UP has been named a best book of June! 


Have you pre-ordered OPENING UP yet?


Barnes and Noble


Apple Books


Keep an eye out at twitter as I’ll be giving away copies of OPENING UP as we get closer to release day, June 16 🙂

One comment to “Ink and Chrome fun stuff!”

  1. Brenda Lee
    June 8th, 2015 at 7:51 pm · Link

    I just recently read Trinity ( de La Vega Cats #1) and loved not only the book itself but that I have discovered a new author I love. And the bonus of this is that there are so many more hours of reading pleasure because Lauren has gifted us with such a great abundance of her talent. As I usually read more than a book a day, it’s great to see a few weeks enjoyment ahead for me!!!