
A few things – the incredible Frauke at Crocodesigns has made me a new logo, which I love so much she’s actually also redesigning my entire website (unveiling in April!) It’s so awesome I had some buttons and stickers made to hand out at conferences and signings and to tuck into swag envelopes


wanna see the buttons?


photo (1)


I’ll be giving some away after the holidays (when everyone gets back home and is ready to mail stuff and get back to work) so keep your eyes peeled!

One comment to “Sooo”

  1. Nancy Baumgardner
    December 15th, 2013 at 5:06 pm · Link

    Lauren, I love everyone of your books. When I first started reading them it was the Cascadia series, and when I realized I did not have all your books I had to go hunting all over the web for who was selling in electronic form or even paperback if I had to. Since then I have read and re-read each of your series at least 5 times, but probably more.
    The Strong women with the stronger men are such a hot toddy turn on. Woo wee… you go girl! Thank you for all your writing which is a gift to the reader and for the stories you tell that seem to come alive with hot, sexy, warm breaths. I can not wait for your next book in any series, (because they are all just that good).
    Love ya,