
So starting this week and into mid-July I’ll be traveling for work and also with the brood so I won’t be around a lot. I thought it might be fun to toss out some items from the FAQ – little known facts about my different series/books/characters, answers to questions I get a lot, that sort of thing!


Today I thought, since the next Cascadia Wolves book, UNCONDITIONAL is due out August 6 that I’d talk about it a little –


  • UNCONDITIONAL starts an entirely new story arc that concerns issues brought to the Others by the Magister. There will be at least one more, likely two, books dealing with this particular arc and the books will have characters from the National Pack (Akio is up next after Josh in Unconditional) as well as some of the cats from de La Vega and witches from Rodas Clan in Rhode Island.


  • The Bound By Magick series has dealt with the mages and turned witches and the devastation left after the Magister nearly manifests in CHAOS BURNING. UNCONDITIONAL takes place during most of CHAOS BURNING, though from the perspective of the shifters. The next book will take place immediately after Chaos Burning ends


  • The world the Cascadia Wolves, The National Wolves, the de La Vega Cats and the witches from Owen, Gennessee and Rodas live in is a shared one and in these next books, they’ll share a timeline but the shifters will dominate.


  • It’s not necessary to have read the Bound By Magick books to understand the events in UNCONDITIONAL, but there are characters and events from that series in UNCONDITIONAL and it does help to understand what’s happening. As far as needing to read the other Cascadia books – I write series. This book is part of a series and does contain storylines and issues I dealt with with earlier books – for example the tri bond and anchors. I explain things, but not as deeply as I have in the past.

5 comments to “FAQ’ness”

  1. Vic
    June 19th, 2013 at 7:46 am · Link

    I’m so beyond excited to get my grubby hands on this book! I think Cascadia Wolves series was when I started to auto-buy your books! I’m so happy that you put out so many quality books in a year – helps keep my whining for the next Lauren Dane book to a minimum for my husband’s sake!

  2. Grace S
    June 19th, 2013 at 8:07 am · Link

    I love how much these different series twist together and overlap in time and points of view. It amazes me how you do that!

    Can’t wait to get my hands on this one since at this point, I’d pre-order your grocery list and love it. 😉

  3. Lea
    June 19th, 2013 at 8:13 am · Link

    I can’t wait either. Is there any hope, at all, for Unconditional and the rest of the books in the 3 series (Cascadia Wolves, Vega Cats, and Bound by Magic) will be put into audio book format? I would buy them, happily.

  4. Robbye
    June 19th, 2013 at 8:29 am · Link

    I really love that we’ll still see the wolves for a while longer.

  5. Christine B
    June 21st, 2013 at 5:07 am · Link

    Sounds great. Love all three of these series