16 2012 |
First, my old facebook came after I had a regular page for several years. I still get friend requests on that old page, folks get confused and they won’t let me change the page’s title. SO – I am moving to a new page where hopefully things will be clearer 🙂 Click Here to come say hello and like the page. I’ll be deleting the old one in a week or so. This coming week I’ll be doing exclusive snippets and excerpts from upcoming works and maybe a contest or two.
This is the cover for the third Bound By Magick book, GOING UNDER. This one is about Gage and Molly and it’s out in February. I love it 🙂
And lastly, it’s Question Sunday so ask em if you’ve got em!
Heather asks: Are you going to do more De La Vega books?
Yes, I will! Next August UNCONDITIONAL will release, which is a Cascadia/Pacific set story, but next up after that will be a de La Vega book 🙂
Christine asks: Can you give us any information as to next book after Going under?
It was called Torn and Frayed, but I have to come up with a new title. It features Faine, Simon’s brother and Helena, Lark’s sister. Things are really dire in the post Magister world. Relations between Others and humans are deteriorating rapidly – the book is about that
Also will there any books for the witches we met in Revelation who help Kendra?
Rodas is mentioned in my Bound My Magick books, but for now I don’t have any plans to write a book featuring just them.
September 16th, 2012 at 10:16 am · Link
Love the new cover and new facebook page
Now to the question. Can you give us any information as to next book after Going under?
Also will there any books for the witches we met in Revelation who help Kendra?
September 16th, 2012 at 3:29 pm · Link
Are you going to do more De La Vega books? Because I really really love them.
September 16th, 2012 at 3:42 pm · Link
Gage’s looking good. 🙂