Out and About

This week I’m over at the Penguin Author’s Desk talking Alphas and the Women who Manage Them, How I Build my Book Tracklists and Following Your Writerly Instincts.

Some more wonderful reviews for Chaos Burning have come in!

Laura over at Fiction Vixen says: Lauren Dane’s writing is spectacular. She is one of very few authors who can use the words “grannie panties” in a serious conversation and make it look effortless. The ending left me wanting the next book ASAP, and I absolutely recommend this book.

Twimom says: Chaos Burning, Lauren Dane’s second title in her Bound my Magick series, had a fabulous plot! Infused with romance and the bonding of a fated couple, the action was ongoing and propelled the story from peak to peak.

And over at the RT Book Reviews site they’re talking about my Phantom Corps/Federation books and futuristic erotic romance.

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