Rising Darkness

I’m on a family trip and so my internet presence is a little sporadic – however, I thought a few little snippets from RISING DARKNESS, the second BOUND BY MAGICK book might be a fun way to check in…

This book is Simon’s story, you’ll meet him in Heart of Darkness. He’s been friends with a witch he’d thought of as a fun, fashion challenged friend. Until just recently…

Copyright 2012, Lauren Dane
All Rights Reserved, The Berkley Publishing Group
Releasing June 2012

“You get the whimsy from her. Your mother.”

“Yes. I got my right hook from my father.”

She stood, brushing her knees. Without thinking he pulled a leaf from the hem of her skirt and time froze as her gaze met his.

“I should go back down,” she said without moving.

4 comments to “Rising Darkness”

  1. april s
    August 15th, 2011 at 5:16 am · Link

    I cannot wait! This book sounds great! I cant wait to pre order this book… :mrgreen:

  2. Debbie Older
    August 16th, 2011 at 1:29 pm · Link

    I just *can’t* wait forrrrrr 😯 Heart of Darkness!!!! Lauren 😛 ….have a great family vacation, doll

  3. Christine
    August 18th, 2011 at 4:39 am · Link

    No fair that was way to short. Left me wanting much more

  4. Annette
    August 18th, 2011 at 6:31 pm · Link

    I was wondering if you’ll be doing anymore books about the Cherchez Werewolf clan. I just recently read the books and fell in love with the guys who were so fiercely protective of their Alpha female. I would love to see more of them get heir own story.