12 2011 |
I’m back from RT after being gone a week. I came back to a clean house and a freshly painted ceiling tray in my dining room (sky blue like I’d been wanting!). I’m a lucky woman, I gotta say. I’ve been posting pictures at my facebook page and will do the same here over the week as well. I’ve got a deadline at the end of the week though so it’ll be slow going until I get all finished up.
Me and Victoria Dahl at the signing – don’t be dazzled by our innocence!
Me and my imaginary boyfriend
In the mean time some flotsam and jetsam (I know how excited you must all be at that!):
Pearl posted this wonderful review of MESMERIZED at her blog. Here’s a little snippet:
I thoroughly enjoyed this installment and am chomping at the bit to get to read the next. Not only for the continuation of the ongoing plot but also for the fascinating romance that has its tiny beginning at the end of MESMERIZED. After finishing MESMERIZED I’m dying to read Julian and Vincenz’s story even though I know it will probably knock me straight out of my comfort zone but I know it will be as enjoyable as the rest of this series.
Dane mixes the futuristic plot and the explicit sex scenes with well-drawn characters, strong emotions and subtle humor and she does this with an ease that leaves me wanting more. There is subtle humor in the smallest of remarks, this humor shone through in MESMERIZED but never took the upper hand. With every book in this series Lauren Dane entices me to continue and once again she didn’t disappoint.
Thank you, Pearl!
And Lori over at I Just Finished Reading said in part:
And at every turn, I’m reminded of what I said early in the series in my review for Relentless: the parallels to historical dialogue, terminology, and context make this series feel so comfortable to me. Dane has done an amazing job of marrying the historical to the futuristic throughout the entire series. Lovers of either genre can find so much to enjoy here. Like I said, superior world building.
Mesmerized was a terrific blend of family, suspense, heartbreak, and love set against a burgeoning war. Action, adventure, and romance. Oh, and I’m such a sucker for the military romance and the special ops heroes. Awesome. Simply awesome.
April 12th, 2011 at 1:11 pm · Link
Great reviews!
April 13th, 2011 at 9:51 am · Link
You two totally look twins-y in that picture! Or at least sister-y. (Those are words, right?)
April 13th, 2011 at 1:56 pm · Link
OMG!!! Collette I thought the same exact thing. They totally could be twins.
I would’ve like to have seen a picture of MY imaginary boyfriend, Paul Walker!!! 😉
April 13th, 2011 at 5:40 pm · Link
Great minds, Rachel!