17 2010 |
The last birthday of the month is here – mini me, my baby girl is six today.
She came when we did not expect her to. In fact we’d decided we were done with having babies and I was getting ready to transition back to work when the morning sickness started, LOL. And she was there, all unexpected and beautiful, though my pregnancy wasn’t the easiest and we worried a lot. But it’s during all the bed rest when I began to write Triad. It was that pause that changed so many things in our lives. Our family is enriched by her light, by her laugh and her bossy ways (don’t know where she gets any of that, I swear). As five, we don’t just enter a room, we roil through it like an invading horde, all laughter and noise and chaos. And she does it with five bracelets and mardi gras beads on.
We joke, but it’s true, that she was meant to be with us. She is fierce and beautiful and whipsmart and she takes no crap from anyone. Of course, we did name her after a Celtic triple goddess so um, we kind of helped that along. Having a daughter is a unique joy and now she’s at the age where she and I can nip off to do fun Momma/Daughter stuff the boys couldn’t possibly care less about. I treasure those moments with her (much like I treasure the trips I take with my boys when it’s just the two of us)
Each one of them as a song I associate with them and the Dixie Chicks’ Lullaby is hers…
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl. I love you something fierce and no you may NOT have my shoes
August 17th, 2010 at 10:18 am · Link
Happy Birthday M!
How is it possible that she’s 6??? I feel like it was just yesterday you were posting a picture of her when she popped out of a suitcase saying Happy Birthday when she was 2.
August 17th, 2010 at 10:22 am · Link
LOL the “Pa-prize!” picture – still one of my favorites. Thanks for that memory!
August 17th, 2010 at 12:55 pm · Link
I hope you have a special day w/ her
August 18th, 2010 at 5:12 am · Link
Daughters are awesome! And six was a great age…enjoy it.
August 18th, 2010 at 8:33 am · Link
Awww! Happy birthday to your wee one!
August 19th, 2010 at 8:01 am · Link
I had a “surprise” daughter. She just turned 32. Yeah, she arrived at the most inopportune time but she certainly made our lives interesting.
I suspect the unplanned children are God’s gifts to us–the ones we didn’t know we wanted or needed. But in some indefinable way they change our lives and enrich them so they’re never the same.
Thank you for sharing your daughter with us.
August 22nd, 2010 at 8:17 am · Link
Oh, I’m sorry I missed her birthday! Happy Belated Birthday baby girl!
I love that photo.
August 22nd, 2010 at 8:26 pm · Link
Happy belated birthday to mini-you 😀