22 2010 |
Today’s guest is the fabulous Vivian Arend who writes most awesome werewolves among other things. Ig you haven’t read her yet, you really have been missing out…

I love going new places.
I’ve visited the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Wandered through Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London. I’ve strolled along the Rhine and poled a gondola in Venice. Bought frites from an open-air market in Holland, suntanned on the beaches of Mallorca in Spain.
But when my hubby says, “We’re taking a holiday,” my thoughts tend toward hiking boots, not hotels. Outhouses, not Opera Houses.
It seems many times I’ve been on the road less traveled. An eight-hour traverse between high altitude huts in the Alps of Austria. Canoeing the Yukon River, or hiking the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada—the experiences of a lifetime now a part of my soul.
That same spirit of adventure carries over into the writing world and I find myself drawn to stories that tell of exploits that venture beyond the contemporary world. Fabulous writers like Lauren, who takes us into a future amidst the stars. Or Tracy, who stretches the boundaries and shifts us into a sensual new world with dragons as a reality.
Visiting new places makes me happy.
A couple of summers ago, my family took a trip to Vancouver Island. We loaded up our kayaks, and for ten days paddled the waters of the Pacific around the Broken Group Islands on the west coast. I fell in love with the ocean all over again. From that trip a story emerged, Stormchild.
It’s a different direction with a bit of an otherworld feel to it. It’s a place that doesn’t exist, but could. And I love visiting places like that, if only in a story.
These elements have no desire to be tamed…
As the new traveling doctor for the Pacific Inside Passage settlements, Matthew Jentry balances dual roles for his water-shifter people—caring for their health as a human-trained physician, and for their spiritual needs as a shaman.
Distractions of the female kind are not on his agenda, but his magical bloodline makes him a target for every marriage-minded woman within range. There’s something about the mysterious Laurin Marshall, though, that he finds far too enticing. It’s just as well that it’s time for him to move on.
Laurin thought she had perfected her guise as a mild-mannered teacher, but the sexual fireworks she and Matt touch off are threatening to blow her cover out of the water. Luckily it’s time for her to catch the boat to her next assignment.
When she discovers she’ll be sailing with Matt, she realizes there’s only one thing more dangerous than their unforgettable one-night stand—being trapped with him on a boat that gives “riding out the storm” a whole new meaning…
Warning: Contains strong sexual currents and powerful waves of desire that break down inhibitions. Recommended only for those able to navigate through extremely steamy situations, on land and at sea.
Click the “more” link to read a fabulous excerpt and to see today’s question!!!
The light faded from the sky, twilight’s streaks coloring the horizon over the ocean. Matt paced carefully, his bare feet comfortable against the still-warm sands. The puzzle presented by the matriarch tugged at his mind again like an undercurrent dragging him out of his path. A shifter who couldn’t shift—for the People of the Sea it would be like never learning to walk. Until they were as at home in the water as on land, a person would never truly fit in.
On impulse, he angled farther down the beach toward where the young people gathered around a large bonfire. Perhaps he’d be able to spot the girl amongst her friends, get a feel for her trouble without frightening her. Although he couldn’t imagine why she was scared to see the shaman. The strains of guitar music rose on the air and ahead he spotted couples cuddled together around the heat of the blaze.
His gaze caught on a smaller circle farther inland, a group of laughing mothers watching protectively from their beach chairs a few metres away. The children played an intricate game involving switching positions and hiding a shiny shell of abalone. A woman knelt in their midst, her head thrown back in laughter, straight blonde hair tousled around her shoulders.
His body tightened. There was something more provocative in her uninhibited moment of delight than in all the sensual beauty he’d seen during the earlier dance. He watched with a growing ache in his groin as she joined a child in the outer circle and the game carried on around them.
Dark eyes, light skin. She must be a visitor to the people. He’d never seen a fair-haired shifter among the orca clans, and Mama T would have told him about such an anomaly. The woman hadn’t been one of the many of the settlement on whom he’d done a routine physical exam during the past two weeks. He rejoiced he’d avoided having to give her an examination when the mere sight of her heated his blood and drove his desire insanely high.
He had to meet her.
Another burst of giggles rose from the children as he changed directions to enter the circle. Childish voices cried out in greeting. No matter where he went, it was the little ones who made his heart sing the loudest, and he longed for the day he would have his own. He would sire them and raise them and they would remain a family. He swore this would happen, no matter what traditions were held amongst the shamans.
He exchanged hugs, accepted kisses and waved a greeting to the mothers who watched cautiously. A few blushed, but most looked pleased to have their offspring gain his attention. Then he slowly turned his focus to her. Savoring the moment, prolonging the time until their eyes met.
Midnight-filled orbs stared back, the curve of her cheek creamy white in contrast with her dark lashes. Her full lips drew him, the bottom one glistening where she’d licked it seconds earlier. He dropped his gaze slowly down her torso, not even trying to hide how attractive he found her curves and modest shift.
“You gonna play?” Small hands pulled him to the sand ahead of his response. He sank into position gratefully.
A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of the woman’s mouth as she looked him over. “You know how to play the game?”
He knelt upright in the middle of the circle and nodded. Surprise flashed in her eyes before he covered his face with his hands and the chanting began. Around him, small bodies moved and singsong voices echoed with the tune of a thousand years of tradition. When they stopped, another of the contrasts between the People of the Sea and the children of the human world grew apparent.
Utter silence surrounded him.
He removed his hands and let his eyes adjust to the dim light offered by the distant fire. All the childish voices were still, hands quiet, faces blank. Matt observed carefully before moving toward one of the pairs of children. They stared back with soft smiles, and he grinned. He traced their arms with a light tickling motion. They never moved.
A giggle broke free behind him and he spun. The culprit calmed her expression seconds too late and Matt crawled across the sand on his hands and knees, growling like a ferocious beast. The others laughed as he focused his attention on the noisemaker and her partner.
Oh sweet Lord, his mysterious woman sat behind the child.
He froze for a moment until her flashing eyes taunted him. Brushing the little girl’s arms gave far too little opportunity to brace himself for the next step. The blonde sat motionless, moonlight turning her hair into a glowing beacon. He took his time, running his palms along her silky flesh instead of using his fingertips like he had on the children. The caress of skin on skin made his mouth go dry and his body harden further with desire.
It was a child’s game and he was getting turned on. There was no mercy in the world.
The child in her lap shifted and knocked against his arm. His fingers grazed the side of the woman’s breast and she sucked in a gasp of air. He wanted to ignore the fact her nipple hardened instantly, but his gaze had locked on her torso like on a target.
Where the hell had she been for the past two weeks? Because all his righteous plans about remaining celibate were floating out on the evening tide. If there was any justice, any magic in the world, they were meant to be together. Even if it was just for one night.
Today’s question: To win an ebook copy of Stormchild and Tidal Wave, another shifter story by Vivian—What kind of adventure holiday would you be most likely to take part in? One that involves hiking, boating, biking, or skiing? Or something else?
June 22nd, 2010 at 4:07 am · Link
ooh, i am the first to post!! I would like to go day hiking. i would say camping but I do not do well without modern plumbing. I live in FL so hiking is kind of flat here, I want to go hiking in the mountains somewhere.
The books sounds good. Love the excerpt 🙂
June 22nd, 2010 at 5:01 am · Link
Hmm… I’m more the type to stay at home and *read* about someone else’s adventure, but I did go on a three-day hike once. I was totally out of shape and everyone else in the group was depressingly athletic, but I did enjoy it. Except for the mosquitos. Swarms of them, everywhere. So no, hiking is not my first choice for an adventure.
Boating… No. Not only do I not know anyone with a boat, I don’t like the idea of those forced close quarters, the possibility of storms, falling overboard and whatnot… not my pick.
Biking… is doable. I own a bike (a city bike but it’ll do in a pinch) and I could toughen my butt to handle the distance. There’s just one little but…mosquitos. Bloodthirsty ones. No thanks!
Skiing, on the other hand, is perfect. Cross-country, that is. No mosquitos, no falling overboard in a storm, and it’s good exercise. Yeah, I would totally pick skiing. (Suddenly I’m eager for winter again…)
June 22nd, 2010 at 5:59 am · Link
My family and I love the water-and so does our Lab- so our adventure would have to include lots of hiking and swimming. Maybe canoeing and watching the wildlife on the shore. 😀
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:14 am · Link
I used to go camping,boating,hiking all the time when I was younger. Now I think I might like to try white water rafting. Get the adrenaline pumping again 🙂
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:33 am · Link
We love camping and hiking/biking but I think it would be neat to try something I’ve not done before! I’ve never been skiing in the snow so that might be fun!
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:35 am · Link
My perfect adventure holiday would be on horseback!! Last year I went to Australia for a riding vacation but I’m currently saving up to go to Mongolia to ride with the nomadic tribes in the steppes!! That would definitely be my version of a perfect holiday.
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:47 am · Link
Since I love the American Old West, I’d love to go on a romantic Western vacation with lots of horseback riding, historic sites, and handsome cowboys. Now, that’s an adventure!
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:50 am · Link
Definitely skiing. Love to go an winter adventure skiing. I started late in life in learning and I don’t get to go to often but I love every moment that we go. I can’t wait to go next winter to teach my son
June 22nd, 2010 at 7:15 am · Link
I would love to go skiing because it would be something brand new for me. I always chicken out and I would love to get over my fear.
June 22nd, 2010 at 7:43 am · Link
I’d like to do a combo of biking and hiking.
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:10 am · Link
I don’t want to do any physical work while on vacation so boating sounds really good. Just sit and drift while soaking up the sun.
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:14 am · Link
I would say boating. We love to cruise around on the boat and fish.
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:28 am · Link
OH gosh… I really have no clue. I would have to say that a vacation for me would be anywhere away from my house! Doing whatever the people I am on vacation want to do. Because I can read about anywhere!!!
Thanks for the chance!
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:53 am · Link
What kind of adventure holiday would you be most likely to take part in? One that involves hiking, boating, biking, or skiing? Or something else?
Camping is more my style, near a lake where we go swimming; we bring our bicycles and take rides in the evenings and during the rainy days, visit museums and parks.
June 22nd, 2010 at 9:10 am · Link
I love nature hikes, so that is my choice.
June 22nd, 2010 at 9:49 am · Link
Well, I’m disabled now with severe RA, but back when I could take that kind of vacation I would probably have picked a biking vacation.
June 22nd, 2010 at 9:53 am · Link
My ideal vacation is the beach sitting in the sun reading a book.
Nature hikes at the state parks is as adventurous as I would be.
June 22nd, 2010 at 10:52 am · Link
My “adventure” would need to include A/C, a king size bed, and room service. 😀
June 22nd, 2010 at 11:18 am · Link
Oh well first I would have to learn to ski but ski vacation in this 105 degree heat sounds like a dream come true.
June 22nd, 2010 at 11:29 am · Link
I love the freedom of a sail boat ride, and then maybe some fishing off a boat or pier.
June 22nd, 2010 at 11:35 am · Link
Hiking, I think… I don’t have the skillset for skiing, boating, or anything else more involved! I think I have mastered walking 😉 Thanks for taking us to other worlds, Viv!
June 22nd, 2010 at 12:12 pm · Link
I’ve never been on an adventure holiday…I grew up in a household where holidays meant travelling in planes/trains/automobiles (no not like the movie 😉 ) staying at hotels, endless sightseeing and shopping. The forced sightseeing kind of killed all the fun for me which is probably why I dread the thought of travelling for fun…I’m not sure that it exists. Ah the horrors of childhood. 😛
If I ever did go on an adventure holiday, I would love to go somewhere with hiking tossed into the mix.
June 22nd, 2010 at 1:45 pm · Link
I would like to take a horse trek somewhere different enough to be classed as an adventure.
June 22nd, 2010 at 1:48 pm · Link
I am not much for “adventure”. I would love to take a tour of Italy…. Venice, Florence, Provance, Rome, etc… my dream vacation!
June 22nd, 2010 at 2:14 pm · Link
I’m a fan of water. I would love a vacation that involved a lot of scuba diving, and boating. Someday I’d love to learn how to jet ski. Until then, I’ll dream on.
June 22nd, 2010 at 2:23 pm · Link
I would like to try boating. I’ve never been and it sounds like an adventure.
June 22nd, 2010 at 2:46 pm · Link
I am close to 70 years old—so perhaps walking.
June 22nd, 2010 at 3:18 pm · Link
I’ve never been canoeing so that’s the first thing I would love to do.
June 22nd, 2010 at 3:57 pm · Link
I love going hiking, fishing and boating. I love going on adventures. :]
June 22nd, 2010 at 4:02 pm · Link
My idea of an adventure holiday is going somewhere I have never been…you never know what is around the corner!
June 22nd, 2010 at 5:30 pm · Link
I really like boating, but haven’t been in a while.
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:53 pm · Link
I’ve always wanted to vacation in Yellowstone National Park or the Grand Canyon and raft down the river and camp.
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:15 pm · Link
Perfect adventure holiday…well that’s funny because I’m not much for adventure or holidays. lol I’d much rather stay home with a good book and let someone else have the adventure. lol
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:19 pm · Link
I love camping but I physically can’t do anything anymore like hiking etc. My adventure would be one of the ones I’ve dreamed about in Sept-Raw and maybe going in a boat around the islands of Hawaii. I love new places and new people to meet.
June 22nd, 2010 at 8:27 pm · Link
snorkeling the great barrier reef sounds like fun to me. love your wolfies.
June 22nd, 2010 at 11:56 pm · Link
I think i would like to go caving. There are some really great caves in the U.S. I have wanted to go through all of them every since I went to Mammoth Cave when I was a child. I also love water so anything involving water I’m in. I like to go canoeing in the summer and water skiing and fishing as long as it isn’t deep sea. Motion sickness and the sea don’t go very well together.
June 23rd, 2010 at 12:47 am · Link
Spent most of my child hood camping and in the water.and for a while gold panning intill it got to pricie on gas to go up in the hills 🙄
June 23rd, 2010 at 5:11 am · Link
I dislike the outdoors and am a fluffy bunny reader so no adventure travel for me. Did mild white water rafting and have hiked and prefer 4 star hotels every time.
June 23rd, 2010 at 5:45 am · Link
I would love to take a adveture holiday sightseeing all over Europe.
June 23rd, 2010 at 8:08 am · Link
Boating. Assuming by boating you mean floating on a lake, drink in hand, and cabin boy at my beck and call. 😀
June 23rd, 2010 at 9:57 am · Link
Being physically challenged (walking hte dog is difficult) I would take my adventurous holiday inside the pages of great books about heroines kicking ass 😀