11 2009 |
So I hear from twitterbirds that today is Agent Appreciation Day.
That’s me (the dorky one) with my agent and friend, Laura Bradford at my first RT in Houston! There are times in this business when being a writer sucks. It hurts your heart and you feel like quitting – when I’ve had those times, Laura has been there for me. Has listened to me rant or whine. She’s cheered me on when I’ve sold, she’s edited and followed up, she’s bugged editors about things on my behalf.
There are people who say agents aren’t necessary to your career. I’m not one of them. Laura has been with me since nearly the start and she’s a huge part of my success.
So today (and every day) I do the chair dance of joy in honor of the most awesome Laura Bradford.
December 11th, 2009 at 1:22 pm · Link
Hear, hear! 😉
December 11th, 2009 at 3:41 pm · Link
Ditto, and ditto…..she really is lovely, no?