This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 at 6:29 am in Uncategorized. You can feed this entry. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
I have both…and just had to brag a bit that I did.
I just finished Laid Bare. Yes, I’m at work right now, but damnit…only had one more chapter to go and after the meetings were over, called an impromptu lunch.
Laid Bare blew me away. It wasn’t just another fantastic Lauren book, it was utterly enthralling.
The love, lust and pain were momentous. Even as your heart ached, painfully ached for the characters (Trying to be careful as to not spoil for others) the promise of love bloomed all around.
Lust? I caught myself fanning myself on more than one occasion.
Well done once again…but Laid Bare had just taken it’s place as my Favorite from all your works to date.
September 15th, 2009 at 7:47 am · Link
Thank you for the update Lauren.
All the best,
September 15th, 2009 at 9:12 am · Link
I have both…and just had to brag a bit that I did.
I just finished Laid Bare. Yes, I’m at work right now, but damnit…only had one more chapter to go and after the meetings were over, called an impromptu lunch.
Laid Bare blew me away. It wasn’t just another fantastic Lauren book, it was utterly enthralling.
The love, lust and pain were momentous. Even as your heart ached, painfully ached for the characters (Trying to be careful as to not spoil for others) the promise of love bloomed all around.
Lust? I caught myself fanning myself on more than one occasion.
Well done once again…but Laid Bare had just taken it’s place as my Favorite from all your works to date.