4 2009 |
Today I’m giving away a copy of Cynthia Eden’s Midnight’s Master!

In case you haven’t tried one of Cindy’s books yet, I highly encourage it. She’s one of the best paranormal romance authors out there right now. Her books are awesome. Sexy, great worldbuilding, well drawn storylines – I haven’t read a Cynthia Eden book I haven’t enjoyed. You can check out Cynthia’s website to read excerpts too.
This one is in her Midnight series with Brava (a fabulous, kick ass series!):
In a world of shadows, desire conquers all…
In this sexy, gripping novel, Cynthia Eden draws readers deeper into the realm of the Others—vampires, shifters, and sinfully attractive demons whose powers are matched only by their dark hungers…
Tall, dark, and formidable, Niol Lapen is the last demon on earth most people would ask for a favor, yet the sexy little reporter who wanders into his club dares to do exactly that. Holly Storm already knows too much about his kind, and Niol has no wish to help her get in deeper over her head. But working alongside her may be the only way to stop a killer, even as it ignites a primal desire unlike anything he’s known.
Holly has seen firsthand what Niol is capable of, but that doesn’t frighten her nearly as much as her body’s instinctive reaction to him, or the wild, fierce passion that would tempt her to follow him through hell itself. Something evil and relentless is prowling the streets of Atlanta. And as Holly’s search leads her into danger that even Niol could never have predicted, she’ll uncover a secret that could rip her world apart….
“No. I’m not one of your demon wannabe sluts, Niol. I don’t want to jump you in the dark so that I can have the thrill of saying I screwed a monster.”
Hit. The reporter obviously understood more than she’d pretended about the human women who came to his bar.
“I don’t want to play—”
“Yes, Holly, you do.” Her heart still pounded too fast, her nipples were still pebbled, and her cheeks were flushed—all from hunger.
Need. For him.
“I’m not going to play.” Her hand dropped. “I’m going to do my job—and find out what happened to Carl. With, or without your help.”
He stared at her. Such a shame. They would have been good together. The sex, well, it would have been pretty phenomenal. All that fire she had—oh, yeah, phe-nomenal.
Pity. Niol shook his head. “Sorry, love, it’s going to be ‘without.'” And then he did the only thing he could do.
He turned around and walked away from her. As he stalked toward the SUV, he felt her eyes on him. His hand lifted, reached for the door.
Oh, but the woman’s voice could get to him. It was the soft huskiness when she said his name. Like a stroke right over his groin. But he didn’t look at her. Niol opened the door.
“You have to care.” Her voice sharpened. “You play the bastard, but Carl, he was little more than a kid, and one of yours. You have to care—”
The laughter escaped then. He just couldn’t help it. He stepped back and glanced over at her. “Have you forgotten so soon, sweet? The incubus who took you that night—he was one of my kind, too—and I burned him,” the fire had been so beautiful, “from the inside out.”
She flinched.
His lips were twisted in a smile that he knew could chill. “I kill my kind.” The incubus hadn’t been the first, and he wouldn’t be the last. “I don’t go out on a damn crusade to save them…or any humans who are dumb enough to get involved in a world they can’t understand.”
“You’re a cold bastard, Niol.”
So he’d been told.
Tomorrow there’s even more Cindy so don’t forget to check back in!
Today’s question for the paranormal romance lovers: Which is your favorite paranormal creature and why?
I’ll choose a winner from the comments at noon pacific tomorrow, July 5! Good luck
July 4th, 2009 at 1:14 pm · Link
This is a toughie but I’ll say Vampires closely followed by shapeshifters and I like wolves and cats as shapeshifters!!
July 4th, 2009 at 1:23 pm · Link
Hey Lauren,
I am in love with shapeshifters right now, especially big cats like leopards and panthers. I have a thing for vampires and witches as well though.
See you tomorrow!
P.S. Lisa J – I bought Mercy’s story by Nalini Singh the other day from Borders. They had it out early. It was absolutely wonderful!
July 4th, 2009 at 1:29 pm · Link
I can’t decide between Vamps and shapeshifters.
July 4th, 2009 at 2:13 pm · Link
Well I love vampires, demons and such but I have to admit my favourite paranormal creature is the shapeshifter.
To be precise the werewolf, mostly because they are always written as having all the good qualities of the wolf such as love of family, loyalty etc.
July 4th, 2009 at 2:16 pm · Link
I’m so looking forward to this book! I just finished Midnight Sins and loved it!
I love shifters the best, but I love’em all, vamps, demons, fae, whatever!
July 4th, 2009 at 2:51 pm · Link
I love all paranormal creatures but i have to say my fav are shapeshifters. In all the books i’ve read their always fiercly loyal to their families and loved ones, always ready to protect and have such a firery passion it sucks me into the story everytime. If only i could find my own 😀
July 4th, 2009 at 2:58 pm · Link
I love vampires…they are dark, mysterious, and hot!
I love Cynthia Eden’s books and demons are definitely moving up on the list!
Have a happy and safe Fourth of July everyone!
July 4th, 2009 at 3:08 pm · Link
Shapeshifter! Yum!
July 4th, 2009 at 3:22 pm · Link
Hi Lauren! Thanks for the contest. And the excerpt for Cynthia Eden’s book sounds awesome! Happy 4th! – Susan
July 4th, 2009 at 3:32 pm · Link
Shapeshifters! They are so intriguing! 😎
July 4th, 2009 at 4:39 pm · Link
I have a thing for both shifters and vamps….but demons are definitely working their way up the list. I am love Cynthia’s series! I can’t wait to get a hold of this one 😀 I love Niol!
July 4th, 2009 at 4:49 pm · Link
I’d have to say my favorite paranormal is a dragon shifter; not too many of those around, but I love them anyway.
July 4th, 2009 at 5:03 pm · Link
July 4th, 2009 at 5:51 pm · Link
The Vanpire Because there Sexy and Scary and Hot and Seductive.they turn me on.
July 4th, 2009 at 6:17 pm · Link
Hmm.. would have to say shapeshifter.. and really like the description of shifters having the ability to take on multiple shapes as opposed to Weres that have one.
Why ?.. mysterious, incredibly hot, and a propensity to bite w/ out draining you dry… 😉
Have a happy & safe 4th everyone.
July 4th, 2009 at 7:21 pm · Link
I love vampires, but especially Carpathians. I think it is great that they can be saved by psychic women!
July 4th, 2009 at 7:26 pm · Link
I prefer Vampires….there is just something so seductive and intriging about being able to live forever.
July 4th, 2009 at 7:29 pm · Link
Like many other comments I love shapeshifters, especially animals.
I guess it’s all that primal instinct or something. I don’t know but I find them facinating and will pick a story with a shifter over a vampire anyday.
July 4th, 2009 at 7:49 pm · Link
I like vampires. They have the whole mind control thing gong for them. They’re kind of sneaky(you would never know they were after you unless they wanted you to know.) Speed, great night vision, good hearing. Most are sexy.
July 4th, 2009 at 7:51 pm · Link
Three months ago, I would say none. After having glommed Nalini Singh, I’m in love with shapeshifters. Why? Nalini Singh. Ha, the men and women are prime examples of loyalty, passion, strength, smarts, and not to mention the hot mating connection.
July 4th, 2009 at 7:52 pm · Link
Werewolves,vampires,demons,even Frankenstien has a romantic edge. I just love them all as long as they are hot.
Debby Creager
July 4th, 2009 at 8:57 pm · Link
I like the shifters the best. But Cynthia’s Niol has got to be really hot. I’m looking forward to his story.
July 4th, 2009 at 10:45 pm · Link
That is such a tough question to answer. But, I think I’d have to say wolf shifters. They’re just so alpha and dominant but also soft and sweet, the good ones anyway. But I also really love vampires and demons and every now and then a god or demigod. Acutally I love them all I really can’t decide.
July 5th, 2009 at 12:08 am · Link
I’m always looking for new authors and series to read that have anything to do with vampires!
July 5th, 2009 at 12:52 am · Link
I’m all about the vampire, shifts, demons, pretty much all paranormal books!!! 😀
July 5th, 2009 at 6:49 am · Link
I love dragons. I love there power and possessiveness. I think their strength is the biggest turn on for me.
July 5th, 2009 at 7:38 am · Link
I’m all for the shapeshifters, especially the cats, though the wolves… those guys are nice too. I like the dominant factor, but there’s also just something to be said for having someone furry by your side. 😆
July 5th, 2009 at 9:19 am · Link
It”s a tie between Ajax and River. I spent more time with Ajax, but worried longer about River :>) They are in Deidre Knight’s Red books.
July 5th, 2009 at 11:32 am · Link
Favorite paranormal creature? Vampires= traditional, seductive, and sexy. All that forbidden angst- yum.
July 5th, 2009 at 1:51 pm · Link
wolf shifters , they have some good ones. I also like demons at timea