21 2009 |
I’m bordering on brain dead right now. I’ve pushed to write around the kids today and I’ve been very happy with the results, but for some reason today it has really tired me out more than usual.
Still, I am so happy with where I am in Trinity. I feel like I’ve hit my stride with it and the writing is easier.
Favorite lines of the day: She looked up, into his face, met his eyes and smiled. “Did you have a request?”
“My cock does and I’m its spokesperson.”
She laughed. “I suppose it wants to go to Target to get some socks.”
I had a lot of reader mail today – here are a few things –
Not all my books are erotic romances. By that I mean, some of them are what I’d term sensual romances while others are erotic romances. I got an angry letter this morning from a reader who felt there was not nearly enough sex in my Chase books and she was upset about that. I see my books all being referred to as “erotica” on the reader sites like goodreads and then people take their frustration out in the reviews if they feel like they didn’t know.
All I can say is this – I certainly hope readers like all my books. I hope readers enjoy the couples and their stories. While everyone has preferences, I’d like to think all my books have a lot of sensuality in them, even if they are not classified as “erotic.”
But – it’s totally okay to only want to read red hots, or to not want to read red hots and only want to read sensual romances. The books ARE labeled – which should be of help.
My Chase Brothers series are NOT labeled as “Red Hot” via Samhain. They are simply classified as “contemporary romance” Always – also a contemporary romance. My Cascadia Wolves, the holiday shorts, etc – those are classified as red hots/erotic romance.
All my EC books are erotic romances because that’s what the publisher puts out. My Berkley Heat books are also erotic romances – again, it’s an erotic line much like Spice and Black Lace is. Those books are erotic romances and are labeled that way.
I try to be sure to give people the tools with which to make their choices – the labels on the books themselves are the first key and I’m fortunate to say so far, the labels have been correct (sometimes I notice things classified as one thing or other and I feel like the terms are not accurate).
Just a little FYI that I hope is helpful!
May 21st, 2009 at 8:42 pm · Link
Wow – not enough sex in the Chase books? There was some pretty smokin’ sex there. A book doesn’t need to have anal to be smoking hot. The emotion in those books added to the heat factor in the sex scenes, IMO.
I’m all about having the sex scenes match what the story and characters call for. Somehow, I don’t see Cassie taking it up the butt. And I agree – Samhain labels their books, so folks should look at the labels.
I’m still chuckling over “got an angry letter this morning from a reader who felt there was not nearly enough sex in my Chase books and she was upset about that.” That’s pretty ballsy, LOL.
May 21st, 2009 at 9:47 pm · Link
That is helpful. But along with Lori, sorry, but I’m chuckling along with her at that letter. :X
Probably still wasn’t fun to receive though.
🙂 I’m reading “Always” now. Can’t say that I’d complain about NOT ENOUGH SEX. (However, geez, am now curious as to what other books that reader is … well, reading.)
May 22nd, 2009 at 6:51 am · Link
This should be labeled under “some people are just not satisfied”
May 22nd, 2009 at 7:54 am · Link
Ah well, some people just don’t want to be bothered actually looking at the labels or sections things are in and rhen blame other people for their disappointment. There’s personal responsibility for ya.
Love the line of the day!!!! I find them really fun to do for my own stuff too.
“My cock does and I’m its spokesperson.â€
And this is where the coffee I’m drinking met my waffle. 😆 😆
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:02 am · Link
I think it was like, well have you ever taken a drink of something you thought was soda but it was juice or milk? And you’re like, “WHA?” I think that was how it was for her.
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:28 am · Link
LMAO. Spokesperson? Socks?
Love it.
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:32 am · Link
I think that some readers kind of box writers into the one genre/subgenre/level–and if/when the writer doesn’t conform to the reader’s preset expectations, there’s a jolt to the reader’s system.
Of course, the labels are there for a reason, but not everyone actually looks at them.
Have a good weekend, Lauren!
May 22nd, 2009 at 9:13 am · Link
Great line and now I want to read it even more…like I didn’t want to from the moment you told me about it LOL.
As for the sex thing some people just aren’t going to be happy….my boss and I were talking about that just this morning. Some people wake up and decide they are going to have a bad day…that is what they choose.
Oh yeah, I am ok if she wasn’t happy with my Chase boys…less people I have to beat off of them LOL
Love ya.
May 22nd, 2009 at 3:32 pm · Link
What line is that from? Trinity? Or another one you’re working on?
Hope you have a great weekend, Lauren!
May 22nd, 2009 at 3:42 pm · Link
I guess I check my books out a bit more so I know what I’m getting into; really hot freaky-deeky sex or sensual looove making. I’m sure there’s something in between all that but whatever y’all get my point. I don’t just assume an author only writes one style of sex.
May 22nd, 2009 at 6:13 pm · Link
I just finished all four books in the Chase series and I am satisfied — there were more than plenty of sex in each of the books.
Oh la la, love the line of the day!
May 24th, 2009 at 8:00 am · Link
Firstly those lines you teased us with are awesome! That’s a great example of why I love your writing!
Regarding the clarification on your books and their “ratings”, sometimes it is difficult to figure the different between the erotic and the senual books. For instance one site I purchase your ebooks from “Jasmine Jade Enterprises” doesn’t have a rating system anymore. I emailed them about that and they stopped rating books. (BTW love the Witches Knot series)
Does your website classify the ratings? There are times where I am just in the mood for sensual and then there are times were I love to read the erotic. I wish there was an easier way to easily figure out which as which.
Thanks! Michelle
May 24th, 2009 at 6:12 pm · Link
Michelle – I hear you on that frustration!
All EC books (Jasmine Jade) are erotic romance. Sensual or below are over at their other imprint.
But yes, you can look here at my website on the book pages (Via the coming soon or now available page) and you can see what the book is – “futuristic erotic romance, menage, BDSM” or what have you.
June 3rd, 2009 at 8:25 am · Link
well you creat such delishe Chase brothers.. we want them to be naked all the time!!! the sex was enopugh i think cus it was the emotion that prevailed in this series…i am in love with all of them!!!
i want to know what happens to them 10 years down the road…I just didn’t want the series to end…i think i’ve read the whole series at least three times…
love it love it love it..
cant wait to read more of your books…