5 2008 |
gah, so busy today!~ Since I’ll be gone for RT I’m trying to get everyone squared away and prepared so I’ve been dealing with laundry, ironing, cleaning and packing for myself all day. Man I can’t believe how much stuff we have.
Saw a Harriet Klausner review of Vegas where she called my character an exotic dancer and pretty much made it look like she was turning tricks on the side. That’s so the opposite of the storyline I’m appalled. Sigh. Ah well, such is life.
All right, back to work. Dinner and then more freaking laundry. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
April 5th, 2008 at 11:27 pm · Link
Word on the street is that since Ms Klausner apparently reads two books a day, she “scans” and doesn’t actually read, and everything gets a default four-star rating. Mind you, that’s only a rumour, and I have no idea if it has any truth to it…
Have a lovely day! 🙂
April 6th, 2008 at 3:50 am · Link
Ugh, Harriet’s review is just plain wrong. I hate that. Your novella is a fab read, erotic and touching all at once, and just adorable. I feel v. lucky having access to an ARC 😀 Ill be posting a review soon. Have fun!
April 6th, 2008 at 6:58 am · Link
😳 Well wont Ms. Harriet feel like a fool when everyone gives a different review of the book and corrects her review of her character and I know I will be one of those ppl.
Just have a fab time at RT 😀
April 6th, 2008 at 6:58 am · Link
i mean corrects her review of YOUR character….sorry 😥
April 6th, 2008 at 8:48 am · Link
I’m sorry, Lauren…I’ve always been AMAZED that anyone could read the sheer volume of books that woman reads…and possible retain anything. Guess maybe she doesn’t retain it all, huh??
April 6th, 2008 at 9:38 am · Link
Ah!!! 9 more days till RT! I’m not ready Lauren!
April 6th, 2008 at 9:51 am · Link
What an absolute nutter this woman is! I’m reading the WHIV right now, and nothing could be further from the truth. Now I know why I turned away from RT all those years ago and their reviews. Guess I know where her review will go in your mind…the recycle bin!
By the way, I love “Mount Laundry”. Have to use that!
April 6th, 2008 at 10:10 am · Link
you had mt laundry too!! yesterday was my day for it. Though we had this cellar flooding ( where the laundry is kept and the washer and dryer) so we had float mt laundry. was fun! NOT LOL…. my cats were unimpressed with the water. I explained to them i didnt like it either lol.
April 6th, 2008 at 10:25 am · Link
I am waving from my Mt.of Laundry. and I have no response about the review except after reading everyone’s comments above I wouldn’t take it too seriously. All of your fans are lining up to read it and her review isn’t going to stop us.
April 6th, 2008 at 11:56 am · Link
Hi Lauren,
I’m doing laundry myself, right now, although I’m not going to RT. 🙁 From what I’ve seen of Harriet Klausner reviews I tend to disagree with her a lot. Your post prompted me to google her, and now I’m scared. Reading 4-6 books a day? I’m sorry, but I agree with Melissa. She can’t possibly be really paying attention to the books.
April 7th, 2008 at 2:06 pm · Link
Ms. Klausner is well known for not actually reading the books she reviews, yet her reviews are posted everywhere.
More on her…
BTW: Celebration For The Dead was great!
April 7th, 2008 at 9:07 pm · Link
OhmYGod…I hate the word laundry as much as I do the chore! I hope you get yours all caught up. I may just give up. Lol…~Mel
April 7th, 2008 at 9:11 pm · Link
Tez – yes I’ve heard that, too. Over the years it’s gotten worse – more mistakes, less actual commentary on the content. Ah well, I guess I’m being ungrateful, she did review us after all.
Saskia – thank you! And I am so freaking excited to see Reckless.
April – thank you! I will no doubt have a great time at RT but I just need to get all my work done first, LOL
Melissa – I think it’s a lot of skimming.
Vivi – I am with you! I learned today we’ve got nearly 20 more people than we’d planned for for our reader party so I need to pack more stuff.
Laura K – Yeah, well with three kids and a mom who forgets basic stuff like folding laundry when she’s on deadline it can get to be mount laundry – my poor family, LOL. And I do hope you’re enjoying Vegas!
Tina – oh no! I hope the basement is dry now.
Christine – oh it comes with the territory I suppose. HOpe you got your mt. laundry tamed!
Limecello – too bad you wont’ be at RT this year but there’s always next year.
B – thanks for the compliment!
April 8th, 2008 at 5:53 am · Link
LOL Good luck with Mt. Laundry and have a wonderful time at RT!