19 2008 |
I am finally finished with revisions on Undercover. They were pretty light but I wanted to be sure they were as good as possible so I was extremely careful with them. Whew. Now I’m on to a last polish of Sensual Magic, which is due to Harlequin April 1, that shouldn’t take more than a day or so, and finally I can get back to Unexpected. Yay!
I have to say, I got pretty sweaty when I read back over the sex scenes in Undercover. It’s hard when you’re writing something and then editing the first time. You’re very close to the book so you can’t really gauge. But reading it over again, some months later I was like, “wow!” I think this is the hottest book I’ve ever written but also, I was pleased to see the emotional depth in places too. I feel better about it and I already liked it before. Sweet relief.
I ordered some goodies for RT for our Love Shack reader party on Friday (don’t miss it folks!) This party will have goodie bags filled with excellent swag that’ll be exclusive to the party including books from the participating authors. I also ordered postcards for Undercover and Vegas and they turned out so pretty.
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to Frauke, the person behind the creation of this website (and also the hosting service for it, Janus Portal Hosting) and a great many other websites you you see around. As well as the person who designs my bookmarks, my RT ads and other various graphics like business cards etc. She is truly wonderful. I will give her a few elements and she always turns them into something wonderful. I’ve been a client of hers for several years now and I’m always just so awed by her talent. Plus she helps me with technical stuff when I just can’t figure it out. She always takes pity on me and with good humor. So thank you, Frauke – truly, you make my job so much easier and you do it with style.
Totally UNconnected to any of the above – did you know there was Fraggle Rock fic? I sat in a corner and rocked for a while once I found that out. And then I saw a guy in a furry suit with black leather assless chaps. Don’t ask where I found it. But, well just don’t ask. I think I may have bad dreams.
Now, I’m off to catch up on the stuff I let slide today to finish up with Undercover. Happy Hump Day!!!
In closing, to combat bad dreams – my dreamboat, let me show you him…
Marcus Patrick

March 20th, 2008 at 2:06 am · Link
Gasp, and holy shit on the Fraggle Rock fic. I didn’t even know anyone else remembered that show…and shudder on the on the chaps. Can’t wait to read Undercover, Lauren.
March 20th, 2008 at 3:39 am · Link
oh yeah – i’ll take a taste of him!
Big big big BIG hugs and congrats on the completion of revisions!
March 20th, 2008 at 9:01 am · Link
Got to mark my calendar for your swag party. Ohhh…having a hard time lately getting to sleep over RT. Can’t wait, feel like a kid at Christmas!
March 20th, 2008 at 7:23 pm · Link
I’m going to RT, so I’ll be there. 😀
March 20th, 2008 at 10:09 pm · Link
Yep, I was horrified. And thanks, Melissa!
Rhi – thanks! He’s yummy, no?
Yay, Laura I can’t wait to meet you!
Ann – Excellent, I can’t wait to meet you as well.