Saturday Check In

Cascadia Wolves: Standoff

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
26,000 / 70,000

Wheee! 3K words yesterday and I’m really happy with what I did. I’ve cut most surfing on the web and where I used to not be able to write during the day, I’ve found lately I can work in at least a grand during the day around the wee monster’s schedule. THis is a new development but it enabled me to actually go to bed before midnight last night. Yay Sven! This challenge is helping me to flex my writerly muscles in using my time more wisely.

The bulk of yesterday was a funny but integral fight between Grace and Nina where they finally got each other. I love Nina, she wasn’t very nice the first part of the book so I had to sort of redeem her. And Grace isn’t as bold a character as Nina so the scene had to be done carefully but I do admit, I laughed out loud several times because Grace doesn’t let her bitch flag fly very often but she did with Nina. Anyway, it’s done and it works – I hope, LOL! And now on to labs and sexin and Councils of War, etc.

Got my edits on Wolf Unbound, which sort of works nicely as the two books are so closely tied in to the other.

Signing later today.

Got a very lovely recommended read from FAR for Fire and Rain! Yay and thank you, Contessa.

It’s freaking cold here but no frost this morning. Yay!

Gotta go and grab coffee. I’m in dire need.

One comment to “Saturday Check In”

  1. Christine
    November 5th, 2007 at 8:30 am · Link

    Sounds great. Nina is one of my favorite female characters. I love the way she lets it go. Jan. 1 can’t get here fast enough for Wolf Unbound and then April1 for this.