2715 words. Not bad for having to do some re-plotting earlier today! For now, I’m to bed. Yes, an hour earlier than usual but it’s very cold and I’m very tired and since I got good words down, I’m going to treat myself with sleep.
This entry was posted on Monday, October 15th, 2007 at 10:48 pm in 70 Days of Sweat. You can feed this entry. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Lauren, you’re hosting SVEN? Cool!! 😀 And congratulations on the wordvcount, that is great! I did 800 yesterday and had been so stuck with my WIP that I even jumped in joy over getting SOMETHING done. 😀 I wish I had the guts to tackle SVEN again but the truth is…Red is chicken. ROFL! Hugs and best of luck!
Lillilan Feisty
October 16th, 2007 at 9:16 am · Link
Yay, Lauren! I ended up with about 1500 words yesterday, but I edited 13K, too!
Go Lauren Go! You can do it! I can’t wait to see what this Svengali helps you come up with! It’s not easy, I’m feeling a bit tired and sick, but I’m doing as much as I can with working the day job 6 days a week until further notice. But you can do it!
October 16th, 2007 at 1:36 am · Link
Congratulations Lauren! Hope you had a good rest (and are raring to go again!)
October 16th, 2007 at 5:46 am · Link
Lauren, you’re hosting SVEN? Cool!! 😀 And congratulations on the wordvcount, that is great! I did 800 yesterday and had been so stuck with my WIP that I even jumped in joy over getting SOMETHING done. 😀 I wish I had the guts to tackle SVEN again but the truth is…Red is chicken. ROFL! Hugs and best of luck!
October 16th, 2007 at 9:16 am · Link
Yay, Lauren! I ended up with about 1500 words yesterday, but I edited 13K, too!
October 16th, 2007 at 10:52 am · Link
Merry – thanks! I did and I went for a brisk walk with my youngest child in the stroller and now I’m working.
Thanks Red! Don’t be chicken sweetie, what do you have to lose? And I hate it when every word is like a freaking job.
Great news, Lillian -that rocks much awesomeness!
October 16th, 2007 at 6:34 pm · Link
Go Lauren Go! You can do it! I can’t wait to see what this Svengali helps you come up with! It’s not easy, I’m feeling a bit tired and sick, but I’m doing as much as I can with working the day job 6 days a week until further notice. But you can do it!