70 Days of Sweat – Round II

We here at Sven Says Sweat invite you participate in round two of our Seventy Days of Sweat Writing Challenge. The challenge begins on Monday, October 15 and runs through Tuesday, January 15.

Yes, that’s 93 days. We’re giving you 23 days off to use as your personal holiday and religious circumstances require

For those participating in Nano who don’t want to start before 11/1, you can use the first 15 days to plan out your story, and then have 45 days to polish once November is over.

The goal is to have a completed manuscript at the challenge’s end.

The rules are simple. You agree to write from 750 to 1500 words a day (depending on your project needs) between the dates listed above. If you need to take off a day, you make up the pages another. Remember: You only have to do the writing for 70 days.

You don’t have to have a blog to participate, but we do want you to sign up below so everyone involved can get to know one another. And if you do have a blog, you can post the information there. Going public with your commitment is about owning it.

As far as reporting your progress, you’ll come back here each Wednesday and Sunday and post your total word count. Those of us sponsoring the challenge will be dropping by your blog (if you have one) and egging you on! And this year we have several co-sponsors who will also be checking up on you! (More on that later.)

The challenge is open to anyone writing in any genre, published and aspiring authors both. On the sidebar, you’ll find our logo if you’d like to put one on your blog. For now, let’s see a show of hands.

Who’s not afraid to sweat? Go here and sign up! I’m one of the author sponsors this round so I promise to poke at you and cheer on your successes too!

4 comments to “70 Days of Sweat – Round II”

  1. Maura
    October 13th, 2007 at 11:22 am · Link

    I signed up again 🙂 I have a lot to work on and the accountability seems to help.

    Thanks for being a sponsor 🙂

  2. rhian
    October 13th, 2007 at 1:30 pm · Link

    i did bad last time – sooo bad. so even though i’ve picked up the WIPs last week and am digging back in to finish them, i’m just gonna wahoo y’all from the sidelines.
    i’ll be the waterboy…girl…whatever. towel anyone?

  3. Keziah Hill
    October 15th, 2007 at 1:04 am · Link

    I’m in! 1,000 words a day is my aim.

  4. laurendane
    October 15th, 2007 at 11:57 am · Link

    Maura – Yay! Congrats.

    Rhi – aww, hon, you’ve got nothing to lose by doing another round right? I’ll take cheers but I want you to do this for you.

    Keziah – Yay! Go for it and good luck!