27 2007 |

1. Whitney Houston – It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay – Holy cripes do I love this song.
2. Chaka Khan – I’m Every Woman. Okay so yesterday I got all gushy about her here. I’ve done it before and I’m sure I’ll do it again. There’s no one like her. I love to turn this up loud and dance around the house with Morrigan. I can cast a spell, secrets you can tell…
3. Tool, Jambi – this is probably my very favorite Tool song (a feat I must say because I love Tool!) This one is on many a writing soundtrack. Oh the video is matched up with scenes from The 300. Mmmm, abtastic.
4. Tool – Forty Six and Two – my second favorite Tool song and more abtastic goodness…
5. The Donna’s Too Bad About Your Girl – sometimes simple, silly rock and roll hits the spot. I wish the Donnas got more media attention.
6. Goldfrapp – Ooh La La – god, another band who needs more attention. A friend turned me on to them a few years ago and once I heard Black Cherry how could I not fall in love. This one has become a recent favorite as I revised Stripped. I can totally see Dahlia dancing to this.
7. Depeche Mode – I Feel You. There’s pretty much always a DM song on my current obsession list. This week it’s this one.
8. Twista and Pharrel – Give It Up. Also on my Stripped tracklist.
9. MC Solaar, Ben Oui – don’t have any idea what he’s saying but it’s all in French and sounds so good. He’s probably ordering a burger or whatever, still sounds sexy.
10. Dudes, I love Reba. Like seriously totally love her. And she did this duets thing with Kelly Clarkson and they did Because of You and it’s just a fab song and makes me cry every time I hear it. But anyway, I’m not a huge country music fan but Reba is a great example of how great music is simply great music. I have to link because the video is disabled for embedding. But this one is on Reba’s recent release and so worth checking out.
11. Gwen Stefani – Wind Up – the bass drum in this song kicks ass.
12. Dave Matthews Band – Crash Into Me. Hike Up Your Skirt A Little More…And Show The World To Me…
13. And another bit of the 1980’s – Eurythmics – Here Comes The Rain. Annie Lennox has a voice that makes me always stop and listen. Beautiful. Click here to see the video
September 27th, 2007 at 9:56 am · Link
Is it bad that about half these songs, I don’t know? *blinks*
I love “Crash into Me”!! Dave Matthews had the best concert I’ve gone to, ever. And considering I’ve seen Aerosmith LOL, that’s saying something.
September 27th, 2007 at 12:00 pm · Link
I loved the one tied to 300! *chills* Happy TT!
September 27th, 2007 at 12:06 pm · Link
Reba’s voice gives me serious goose bumps. I think she’s one of my top three favorite performers of all time.
I’ve seen her in concert twice and she is absolutely phenomenal. Do NOT pass up a chance to see her in concert.
Did you see the Crossroads show they did together? It was fun! I’d love to see a whole CD of the two of them. I’m totally jealous of Kelly Clarkson. I think Reba McEntire is a great example of a strong woman who lives in the public eye but does everything with class, grace and style. We should all take a page from her book! Can you tell I’m a total fan?
September 27th, 2007 at 12:37 pm · Link
I did see that Crossroads show! I think Does He Love You was my favorite because of their interplay.
And I completely agree that she’s class personified.
It’s not bad you don’t know the songs, Mechele! I hope I’ve given you at least one new person to try.
Hey Joely!
September 27th, 2007 at 1:18 pm · Link
I like Goldfrapp too. Oh la la is GREAT! I have a thing for Strict Machine too. Groove Armada are another seriously underplayed group… I See You Baby (sakin’ that ass) Oldie but goodie… Kula Shaker’s Tattva
I’ll admit to diggin’ Pink’s song U & UR Hand. It cracks me up whenever I hear it. *love the Dick Hip line*
Beck’s E-Pro is one of my favs to listen to while writing a fight scene. Also big into anything by Rob Zombie/White Zombie— More Human Than Human is in my all time top tens. A.F.I.’s The Leaving Song is a great fight scene one as well. So is Black Lab’s– This Blood.
The song I Alone by LIVE is one I’ll put on loop and listen to the entire time I write something. Its just one of those that works well for me. The Story by 30 Seconds to Mars is another one that is a great anytime one for me.
I’ll shut up and go write. I can talk music forever.
September 27th, 2007 at 1:29 pm · Link
Chaka Khan can do no wrong! Well, she and Aretha Franklin. *wg*
September 27th, 2007 at 2:33 pm · Link
That Reba and Kelly song is awesome. I hadn’t seen the video for it before. Thanks.
September 27th, 2007 at 4:12 pm · Link
Reba rocks! And music is seriously addictive to me . . . it inspires me. I got a whole book once out of one lone song . . . =) Love your faves, Lauren. Thanks for the videos.
September 27th, 2007 at 6:34 pm · Link
Sounds like you’re grooving hard, Lauren. Me, I’m jonesing for some more Sixx:AM.
September 27th, 2007 at 6:55 pm · Link
Man, I love that raw guitar in Jambi.
September 27th, 2007 at 6:56 pm · Link
i think Dave Matthews is from somewhere around here – he’s always playing the small clubs here – usually a couple times a year.
And i love me some Anne Lennox – i’d forgotten about that song – thanks for the refresh. 😛
September 27th, 2007 at 7:49 pm · Link
Mandy – yet another reason to love you. Talk about music any time you like, it’s one of my greatest loves and I so love I Alone! And hells yes to rocking it old school! I’m more of an Africa Bambaata and P Funk girl but I do like Groove Armada too. And I can’t believe I forgot to mention The Prodigy, god I love them. I listen to Fat of the Land weekly.
Rhian, I’ve seen Dave Matthews in the grocery store up here a few times. Well back in grad school anyway, I saw him at the Wallingford QFC a time or two. And mmm Annie Lennox I lurve her.
Seeley – I know! It’s like a Harley engine at the beginning isn’t it?
Lisa – I first saw Reba and Kelly do the song on Crossroads and Reba cried at the end, and made me all weepy too!
Tempest – word!
September 28th, 2007 at 10:30 am · Link
Okay there’s a few I’ve heard of!! Nice variety of a list there 🙂