15 2007 |
So I got my edits for Reading Between the Lines last night and I have to laugh every time I get edits from Angie because she always starts out with an ego stroke and then gets to the stuff she wants me to address. And at first read it always seems way more monumental than it actually is when I go and look at the text notes. But anyway, I got a good start on them and I’ll push through and finish up before I leave for vacation so I have nothing hanging over my head. I’m too big a control freak to just leave stuff undone and it’ll drive me crazy if I don’t finish.
I also managed to completely outline Always – a contemporary, category sensual romance. I don’t usually outline but the more I aim stuff at NY and the more I sell on partial, the more I use outlines and synopses because it’s necessary. It’s especially necessary with category because you’ve only got a certain wordcount to tell a story and you don’t want to overtell some aspects and rob the important stuff.
I don’t do chapter by chapter synopses. I’m just not that detailed becuase I still prefer to let the story flow where it needs to but these days when I get interrupted mid process with other things like edits or galleys, I find I need at least a bare bones outline to get back into the swing of the story.
I’m still pantsing it a lot, but I will admit to finding at least a rough outline very helpful in keeping on schedule and on track.