Wordcounts and Milestones

So I’m nearly done with Celebration for the Dead! Yay! I’ll finish up this afternoon or tonight depending on when I get the time and it should be revised and ready to send to my editor by Wednesday. Wheee!

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
27,253 / 30,000

Celebration For The Dead

This last seven days of the challenge I’ve written 18,253 words. In the first four weeks of the 70 Days challenge I’ve written a total of 67,134 words! Oh and sweaters – in case you haven’t seen this yet, Sven has his own blog for check ins!
Most likely I’ll get more than 30K – likely to be around 32, possibly 35, we’ll see.

Milestone day here – my husband is off right now to get our daughter a big girl bed. She’s had the toddler bed that converted from the crib – the same one my sons had. Today the crib we so excitedly chose in 1997 for our first baby will be taken apart and put in the garage. My two year old will be three in less than two weeks and my five year old will be six a week from today. Cripes! How did that happen?

This feels like yesterday and now she’s going to be in a big girl bed.

4 comments to “Wordcounts and Milestones”

  1. Shelley Munro
    August 5th, 2007 at 9:33 pm · Link

    Congrats on the writing progress. It’s such a great feeling when things are going well.

    Kids grow up so quickly, don’t they? She looks adorable 😀

  2. Charlene
    August 6th, 2007 at 4:55 am · Link

    Oh, the big girl bed. Transition time! Good for you on the writing progress.

  3. Christine
    August 6th, 2007 at 7:32 am · Link

    Great progress on the words. What a beautiful picture. It’s amazing how fast they grow.

  4. Cherie J
    August 6th, 2007 at 1:04 pm · Link

    Aww! They grow so fast! I have a 9 1/2 month old baby girl myself and I can’t believe how fast she is growing.