6 2007 |
So I’m revising right now. I did one revision for my agent, who is pitching it on Tuesday so fingers crossed. And I’m nearly done with a revision of a book for EC, the follow up to Ascension. I had one title when I wrote it early in 06. But nine hundred people have that title so I just knew I’d have to change it so I did. But then I saw Keri Arthur’s book (on my TBR pile now) has a very similar title and another ebook with the exact same title, sigh so I have to change it again. I hate changing titles but I have to do it like 50% of the time so I’ve just accepted it, LOL.
One cool thing about revision is that you can see how far your writing has come. Some days when I feel like I’m still as clueless as I was when I first started out, I’ll crack open a first draft of something just to remind myself that I have learned a lot. Not that I don’t have a lot left to learn still, god knows I do, but it’s nice to see that I am learning and getting better at execution and storytelling.
The dude and I were drinking champagne last night and settling in to watch a movie – SNAKES ON A PLANE! The movie is hilarious. It’s not supposed to be a comedy but it is. Anyway, we got interrupted like a dozen times including when the UPS guy came by at 8:30 to drop off my copy of Surviving Demon Island that I was just complaining hadn’t come yet. But my two year old woke up and was not going back to sleep so I cracked open the amazon package and started reading SDI and didn’t put it down until I was done sometime way after midnight. I blame Jaci Burton for my bad case of bleary eyetis today. SID is such a great book! I’ve always loved Jaci’s books, she’s one of my favorite authors but she’s totally outdone herself with SDI. If you haven’t read it yet, you really should. Now of course, I’m salivating for the next one.
Oh and a quick thank you – I got my sales numbers for November and I’m just so stunned that you all responded so well to Tri Mates and Thrice United – thank you all for supporting me and reading my books. I’d be nowhere without you all.
I’m off to go get new curtains for my daughter’s room. Enjoy your Saturday!
January 7th, 2007 at 7:31 am · Link
Thank you so much for the glowing comments about Surviving Demon Island, Lauren! 😀
I have to change titles a lot too! Had to change the second demon hunters title because Julie Kenner already had it for one of her demon hunter books. Damn. 😆 It happens, huh? The collective great-minds-think-alike conscious of writers, I think.
Congrats on great sales numbers!