12 2006 |
Okay so I’m done dealing with insanity for at least 24 hours so let’s talk about a few fluffy things that show you all just how shallow I can be, LOL!
I watched Laguna Hills last night. Now I know my tiny, immoral, romance author brain isn’t capable of reading anything with big words like in Plato and stuff – so after I finished writing for the night I settled in to watch my greatest guilty pleasure – Laguna Beach. Oh so deliciously shallow, it’s the best way to let go of stress.
But it always makes me think about how messed up high school was because girls are so damned mean and boys are always listening to their friends who are dogs. And the mean girls are never people who are worthy of being on such high horses – they’re not prettier than anyone else, they always have bad manners and are unpleasant – oh and they’re dumb. I am pleased to note that twenty years later they totally spent way too much time in the sun and their skin looks like leather and their marriage to the football star totally broke up because of her drinking and his cheating. Okay so that was mean of me, see what high school does to people?
So why do I watch? Hell if I know. But I do. Anyway, the mean girl clique was at a barbecue and when their ex friend who they dumped after she got very sick came to the party (her new sort of boyfriend’s party) they all got up and left. And one of them made the same snotty comment about the shunned girl she always does and I’m left wondering how it is a slutty boozehound and her pack of dogs can even take such a position. But that’s me and I don’t like mean girls who are fake. I do like mean girls who are up front like Kristen from season 1 and 2 although now that she’s got her 15 minutes she appears to have gone fake, sad.
Anyway, break ups happened, dates, odd commentary and the continual butchering of the english language by teenagers along with the ubiquitous use of “random” as slang. Oh those kids!
Another show I love is Project Runway. Last night was part one of the two part season finale. I have the sinking feeling Jeffrey is going to win. The way the episode ended gave us all the feeling Jeffrey the turtle turd got kicked off for cheating but I think that was smoke and mirrors. Which is too bad because I hate him.
Essentially, I love my guilty pleasures. I have enough pressure and mental stress and so I look at the occasional episode of Laguna and Project Runway as a nice sort of stress relief without having to resort to pharmaceuticals.
What are your guilty pleasures? Oh! Let me add another – So I Married An Axe Murderer – I LOVE that movie.
October 12th, 2006 at 2:43 pm · Link
So I Married An Axe Murderer isn’t a guilty pleasure, it’s a fantastic movie! You know how much I love tabloid headlines. And bad poetry. That movie has it all.
October 12th, 2006 at 4:44 pm · Link
There are so many great lines in that movie!
October 13th, 2006 at 11:19 am · Link
My favorite:
“So how many men have you brutally murdered?”
“Brutal is so subjective.”
October 14th, 2006 at 5:04 pm · Link
I have so many favorites!
He’ll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
Head! Pants! Now!
Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eye! And that smug look on his face, “Oh, you’re gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!”