Come and Say Hello!

BOOKSIGNING TOMORROW, APRIL 22ND! Come by the Borders Store at Southcenter (17501 Southcenter Parkway, Ste 200 Tukwila, WA 98188 Phone:206.575.4506) from 1 – 3 p.m.! Please come by and say hello. I’ll have Frangos!!

Due to circumstances beyond my control (and I’m really trying to deal here and make this a learning experience) I’ll be the one dealing with the sale of copies of Triad. So it’ll be cash only. Sorry for any inconvenience that may cause! Still, it’s not too much cash and you can have chocolate and say hello. So there. If you already have a copy, bring it down and I’ll be happy to sign it, too.

5 comments to “Come and Say Hello!”

  1. Meljprincess
    April 22nd, 2006 at 6:59 am · Link

    Unfortunately I’m on the other side of the country (RI) or I’d be there. Nobody ever signs in RI. And, it’s not like there are no authors over here. *g*
    Have a great time! Hope you sell lots of books! 🙂

  2. Lauren Dane
    April 22nd, 2006 at 8:34 am · Link

    I promise that if I am ever near RI, I will do a signing!

    Thanks for the well wishes.

  3. Meljprincess
    April 22nd, 2006 at 10:17 am · Link

    That would be awesome, Lauren. But I’ll only be in RI for another year and 3 months so keep that in mind. lol! You’re welcome.

  4. Mechele Armstrong
    April 22nd, 2006 at 12:49 pm · Link

    Hope the booksigning went wonderfully!

  5. Lili
    April 22nd, 2006 at 2:48 pm · Link

    I was at the mall today and as I passed up an aisle in the bookstore I saw the title Second Chances and almost shit myself. I think it was a Harlequin. So then I thought of your signing and sent a huge ‘good wishes’ thought bubble your way. Hope you got it because you know I’m geographically dysfunctional. 🙂