10 2006 |
I’ll be hanging out at Love Romances all day tomorrow, April 11. Please come on by and sit a spell. Chat. Read some excerpts. Maybe win something.
I need to get an author photo taken. Wow. I have some casual stuff but as I’m trying to sell myself as a professional author (and not some chick with one too many shots of tequila in Vegas or a mom covered in cracker spooge), I guess I should get professional shots. With make up on and everything. Oh but no feather boas, I promise. Man oh man do I want to fly out to Pennsylvania and have Scott Church do my photograph. Not the nekkid stuff! But he just has this way of photographing women that I adore. Megan Hart did a shoot with him last week and he did a great job (and she’s already lovely so he had the raw materials). We have an agreement that when I sell my first big book deal and Anya does, we’ll fly out and meet Megan do and a Maverick photo shoot. Hee!
But for now, I need to find someone good and reasonably priced in the Seattle area to take some lovely, dignified and yet not overly so (cause hello, me?) all Lauren Dane type author shots. I tell you, two years ago, all this stuff was just a dream and now I’m living it. I’m so lucky.
April 10th, 2006 at 6:18 pm · Link
Good luck! I just got a decent photo up this weekend. Fortunately I married a photographer. ; )