Some New Books Read

In the last few weeks I’ve finished:

  • Kelley Armstrong’s, Haunted.
  • My yearly re-read of Jenny Crusie’s, Welcome to Temptation
  • Susan Andersen’s, Skintight
  • Nora’s, Black Rose (I have Red Lily in my TBR stack)

I’ve got in my TBR pile:

  • Kate Douglas’, Wolf Tales
  • Nora’s, Red Lily and Blue Smoke
  • Jon Stewart’s, America (which I’ve skimmed here and there. I love Jon Stewart, sigh)
  • The continuation of the Dune prequels – Dune, the Battle of Corrin
  • Richard Morgan’s, Wokken Furies

So much great stuff to read, so little time!

Quick rundown – Skintight – I liked it. It was quick and much more readable than Hot and Bothered (the other two in that mini trilogy rank up there in my favorite romances of all time). I thought that the story was interesting and told from a unique perspective. The trouble of perception between Jax and Treena resolved itself from his perspective fairly quickly (and I HATE romances that have the “hero” think the heroine is some soulless slut but he just can’t stop fucking her, ack! Andersen does not do this, thank god). I think some of the chemistry between them was wasted and Jax didn’t make it up there to where Beau is (but who does?) but I really enjoyed Skintight and it was certainly a fun break from a busy day.

Haunted – I’m waiting to hate a Kelley Armstrong book. It hasn’t happened yet. She takes characters that I wasn’t crazy about like Paige and wows me with them (Industrial Magic) and now she’s done the same with Eve. I won’t bore you with a plot synopsis, you can look at amazon for that, but I will say that Armstrong continues to grow as an author and each successive book is stronger than the last.

Welcome to Temptation – I’ve never had a negative thing to say about a Crusie book. But WTT is my favorite romance novel of all time. It’s witty and smart and the sex is HOT and clever. No one in the book is typical in any way.

Black Rose – You can’t really go wrong with Nora, but I did feel like the chemistry between Roz and Mitch was wasted and while I loved that the HH were not 23, I wondered why the sizzling set ups were not fully realized. I also wonder why Roz’ story was the middle one instead of the last. But I haven’t read Red Lily yet so I can’t say for sure. I thought the middle dragged on for quite a bit but the opening and the end were really well done.

5 comments to “Some New Books Read”

  1. Annalee Blysse
    December 27th, 2005 at 5:03 pm · Link

    Been thinking of reading her flower series. Haven’t started buying them yet though.

  2. Lauren Dane
    December 28th, 2005 at 2:25 pm · Link

    So far, I’ve liked Blue Dahlia best but I started Red Lily last night and I’m liking it a lot.

    I have to say the Ardmore trilogy and her JD Robb books are my favorites.

  3. Jiggles28
    December 30th, 2005 at 3:49 pm · Link


    Just “discovered” you today and had to come look you up to see what else you had out there. I bought Triad and am really looking forward to starting it! Actually, I’ve already added you other print books to my excel spreadsheet of books to buy 🙂 The Enforcer looks to be really good…

    Also, love Kelley Armstrong as well. It seems her books just keep getting better & better! Really looking forward to Broken being released.

    Anywho, just wanted to say hey…


  4. Lauren Dane
    December 30th, 2005 at 6:19 pm · Link

    Annalee – I finished Red Lily and wasn’t bowled over. It was enjoyable though. A Nora “eh” is a lot better than other stuff out there.

    Missy, hello and welcome! Thank you so much for commenting and I hope you enjoy Triad! Please let me know what you think.

  5. tvaddictgurl
    December 31st, 2005 at 3:02 pm · Link

    I’m still trying to make my way through Haunted. I’ve started it twice and made it about 75 pages in before I lay it aside and haven’t picked it up again. I love Kelley’s other books but just can’t get into that one. Maybe eventually I’ll muddle all the way through it.