3 2005 |
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Dear Fellow Readers,
Fallen Angel Reviews is coordinating an effort to collect books for children and adults, including coloring books and crayons, to be donated to the people displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
A few weeks ago, my family and I moved to Houston. As you know, many of the people displaced have been evacuated to Houston. Like so many others around the world, I want to do something, anything, to help. After talking to some friends and JoAnn, the co-owner of FAR, we wondered if donations of books and coloring books might be appreciated.
I’ve made several calls and each time my enquiry was greeted with enthusiasm, and I was given details about where to drop off the items. We will be sorting the books so that they are appropriate to the shelter they are being delivered to. Used books are acceptable, but coloring books should be in new or like-new condition.
We hope to be able to deliver at least the first books within a week, but we will gladly accept donations through September 30th.
If you would like to be involved and contribute either money or books, email me @ or email JoAnn @
September 5th, 2005 at 6:39 am · Link
That’s a GREAT idea!
I’ve donated $$ via my church, so at least we are doing things where/when we can. My pastoral minister is also the head of the Catholic Relief Services for our diocese. She’s been to Haiti and other places where social injustices occur on a daily basis. I guess CRS has a hospital ship that was leaving Tennessee yesterday and should be off the coast today to help administer to people. I was told it can help up to 2000 people…isn’t that great?
To change the subject…I read Triad first.. When I was checking it out, I got the impression that I should read Triad first before A Touch of Fae. Oh, I am SO glad I did. What a great concept! I was up until Midnight reading it…I have to do it on my computer because I don’t have access to an ereader. The chair was a tad uncomfortable after awhile, but it was worth it. Thanks for a great story and I am looking foward to continuing Em’s story tonight maybe. If not tonight, definitely tomorrow.
Um, I was going to ask another question, but I’m changing my mind. Embarassed I guess. Some of the scenes are …. well, intriguing ….the ‘”how-to’s” … like how close to reality are …ok, I can’t even write it … but I’ll read it 🙂
Oh, your character’s situation is in New Orleans. I remember in Triad, your premise was that if the Compact was destroyed, so would the city …eerie..very eerie…the thought popped into my head that maybe the demon-lord found a way to succeed. Not to make light of the real situation, but reality and the story for a moment seemed to mesh.
The catastrophe will be written about in the future for sure. So many great stories are based in either New Orleans and/or the French Quarter. Yours among them.
I wonder how the future stories will be shaped by Katrina.
So many heroes will rise up from this.
What do you think?
September 5th, 2005 at 11:01 am · Link
I think the coverage has been heavy on villains but there are heroes. I just read an article here about how people banded together during the aftermath.
I’m glad you enjoyed Triad and if you have questions you can always email them to me laurendane @ laurendane . com (without the spaces). Right now, I’ve had to set dark justice aside, I can’t write about New Orleans for a bit. I love the city so much. I don’t know how I’ll address this in the future but I will in some way.
Let me know what you think about TOF!
September 5th, 2005 at 1:18 pm · Link
OK, so far I’ve read 4 chapters of TOF. Have to stop now tho.
Thanks for the link about the “good news”
Can’t get too much of that.
My questions ? You would really answer them when they may have something to do with the details on some of the “relationship scenes”?
Wow, thanks. It’s not like I can’t imagine them, after all, I am married … but somethings I never thought of doing because I thought that the “reactions” were made up. Pure fantasy. So yeah, I am curious. Do other readers ask such questions?
September 6th, 2005 at 9:21 am · Link
Michele, yes, readers ask all kinds of questions, LOL!