Two Things – Whoops THREE Things

First, I’ve put the first chapter of No Reservations up at my website!

I’ve also put up a page for INSATIABLE with the blurb. Cover coming soon…

Some of you have been following the saga of a has been F list former child star and his bizarre persecution complex/attack on a romance author who dared to ignore his tweets. Jane at Dear Author has coined the term chachbag. You should too. In fact, you should read these posts and participate

4 comments to “Two Things – Whoops THREE Things”

  1. Christine
    October 14th, 2009 at 2:01 pm · Link

    The books are great but that thing w/ Scott Baio is beyond stupid. This guy needs to go get a life.

  2. Bella
    October 14th, 2009 at 4:05 pm · Link

    OMG, hee-sterical! Between you and Jane this is totally NSFW!

    But where o where is Insatiable?

  3. Jamie Harrington
    October 14th, 2009 at 11:05 pm · Link

    I am so in for the google bomb. It’s a great idea 🙂

  4. vitch36
    October 15th, 2009 at 6:26 pm · Link

    I …
