Part II (from yesterday's VBLOG)

6 comments to “Part II (from yesterday's VBLOG)”

  1. Cathy M
    July 23rd, 2008 at 11:14 am · Link

    I love your blogs, Lauren. You always turn me on to new music, and since I’ve never read a Brenda Joyce book either??!!, I now have a new author to track down. Thanks so much for the heads up.

  2. Christine
    July 23rd, 2008 at 1:09 pm · Link

    oh no another new author I may explode. I swear I may be on a first name basis w/ every librarian and the UPS man at home and at the office. And I finally found two Used booskatores to check out for all the books I can’t get form the library

  3. Mary
    July 23rd, 2008 at 5:32 pm · Link

    LOL I love your blogs. I also appriciate a good chair dance song. Handle Bars I will have to check out. I am a big fan of B. Joyce’s Deadly books. Hope you manage to wait on the 5th one cause you really need to read it before # 6. LOL
    Have a great Wed.

  4. Tez Miller
    July 23rd, 2008 at 6:16 pm · Link

    I keep forgetting how to pronounce Samhain, so thanks for the reminder, and have a lovely day! 🙂

  5. laurendane
    July 23rd, 2008 at 6:21 pm · Link

    @ Cathy, I’m not a fan of historical westerns, which she writes or of medievals which she also writes, but I do LOVE this time period right at the beginning of the twentieth century. I’ve enjoyed these books so much I’ll definitely check out her other stuff.

    @Christine, I know! My friend just hooked me up with a new used bookstore source for the OOP stuff so I’m so in trouble now!

    @Mary – LOL, no kidding! But I read 5 and 6 now and I’m going to take a break, read this Suzanne Enoch and then I’ll finish up the series.

    @ Tez – there are multiple ways but that’s one of them, LOL.

  6. Mad
    July 23rd, 2008 at 7:07 pm · Link

    Ha! I just downloaded Flobots’ Handlebars the other day.

    Congrats on your new contract! 🙂

    Psst….I think Fatin is a lovely name for a heroine. ROFL