The Official I'm Back Post

Jiggity Jigg…. Got home late Friday night after many days of driving. Or well, after many days of my husband driving and I sat, handed food and drinks to the kids, made them stop arguing and even did some reading here and there. The constant chaos of three kids is insane but I’m so used to it at this point, it’s crazier when there’s silence. The husband driving is one of those marital things – he always wants to drive, I couldn’t care less so I give in on it. I save the battles for stuff I care about. Anyway, I’m so glad to be home and not in a car.

This is us at the California Adventure park – we rode the Roaring Rapids ride twice and were totally soaked. Still, it was so hot it worked out nicely and we dried quickly. I can’t believe everyone is marginally looking toward the camera at once, no one is crying, hurting anyone else or doing anything non cameraworthy.

I am sick to death of eating in restaurants and living out of suitcases. How can three little people make such a huge pile of laundry? Good lord, I did laundry all day yesterday and then I got started on edits for To Do List, which were quite breezy and Angie made me laugh several times with her comments. I should finish those up today and get them gone so I can get back to finishing up dirty/bad/wrong for pitch later this month.

Monday, 70 Days of Sweat begins again, more on that in a moment…

Don’t forget to check the contest page of my website, I’ve got some good stuff going on right now!

4 comments to “The Official I'm Back Post”

  1. Charlene
    October 14th, 2007 at 12:35 pm · Link

    Welcome back! Sounds like everybody had a good time. 😀

  2. Ann
    October 14th, 2007 at 8:05 pm · Link

    I’m in. I think I’m ready. Maybe this time the dayjob (and life) will cooperate. 😀

  3. Ann
    October 14th, 2007 at 8:06 pm · Link

    By the way, welcome back! Glad you all had a good time.

  4. laurendane
    October 15th, 2007 at 11:29 am · Link

    Charli – it was very fun but I’m glad we won’t be doing it again any time soon!

    Ann – yay! and good luck!