Thursday Stuff

No Thursday Thirteen for me today. I wrote until midnight last night and our internet was out from 2 pm until this morning so I’ll do it next week.

Anyway, I’m done being pissed at the RWA. I’m waiting to hear back from my publishers who are there and then I’ll write a letter. I can’t see renewing next year but it’s all water under the bridge and truly, aside from the ability to advertise in Romance Sells, it’s not like I’ve gotten a lot of benefits from the RWA anyway. Although I did love that article on writing from Nora in the RWR and I do read at least one thing in it every month. I’m always impressed with something another author says – Cathy Maxwell’s interview a few issues back for instance, I’ve never read her before but after that interview I went out and picked up a few of her books because wow, the woman is wicked smart.

I wish we could all just focus on the important stuff and not act like a bunch of sixth grade girls creating private clubs to keep people out. But I can’t control other people, I can only control what I do and so whatever. I was a romance author before I joined the RWA and I’ll be one after I let my membership lapse as well.

I’m over at The Bradford Bunch today talking about characters. Contest goodness as well…

The abominable heat of yesterday and the day before has broken, yay! It’s like 75 now instead of 100.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
43,816 / 70,000

Wolf Unbound – up 2720

And then after I got that far, I gave in and wrote this opening scene that’s been poking me in the brain. This one is post apocalyptic with a romance sub-plot.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
1,300 / 90,000

Sisters of Mercy – up 1300

3 comments to “Thursday Stuff”

  1. Cami Hayes
    July 12th, 2007 at 11:39 am · Link

    As a new writer, I admire your subjects and way with words… sorry the RWA has been giving you a headache. 🙂

  2. Shelley Munro
    July 12th, 2007 at 12:52 pm · Link

    I’m playing a wait and see as well, Lauren. I just can’t believe the stuff that happens in this organization.

    Keep up the great work with the writing. I think I need to rub your head or something so the muse comes to me. 😉

  3. Charlene
    July 12th, 2007 at 4:40 pm · Link

    I thought of you yesterday while I was fainting in front of a fan. Wretched heat. So glad it’s cooled off today!